
Aug 06, 2009 10:09

I'm on the lookout for fantasy novels with interesting magic setups, to help with working out all the magical systems in the RPG that I currently mod ( Read more... )

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Comments 15

lorrainemarker August 6 2009, 15:21:48 UTC
Have you looked at Mercedes Lackey's Elemental Master's Series? There's a brief Wikipedia article with a list of the books here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elemental_Masters. It has a well thought out system of elemental magic, educational process, organizations. Also, they're very well written and great fun to read.


cerebel August 6 2009, 16:37:47 UTC
You know, I think I might have read one or two of those, but I don't remember jack about it now. So, thanks!


jaspreetpink August 6 2009, 17:09:30 UTC
I'm a huge fan of Sarah Monette's Doctrine of Labyrinthine series, and while I like it more for the characterization and voice, there is some interesting stuff going on with the magic. I mean, one of the main characters is a magician and he sometimes goes on tangents about magical theory, when he's not crazy, that is, and there's all these different schools of magic that don't agree. My favorite bit of magic theory in those books is the power of mazes, but there are also dream-constructs, binding-by-forms and blood-witches, etc... The thing is I wouldn't say the magic system is at the forefront, but it is there.

Also, Jonathan Strange and Mr.Norrell is really cool and academic about magic, and is also very based on English/Celtic folklore (i.e. the fairy realm).

*shrug* Hopefully that was semi-helpful ^_^


cerebel August 6 2009, 17:40:16 UTC
Yeah, that sounds totally like what I'm looking for.

Man, I love Johnathan Strange and Mr. Norrell. Have you read the short story collection in the same universe - erm, I think it's called something like The Ladies of Grace Adieu?


purplekitte August 6 2009, 21:09:18 UTC
Piers Anthony's Incarnations of Immortality has some interesting gem and soul magic to start with. Xanth has various strange and bizarre magic, if you're willing to put up with Anthony's constant puns ( ... )


cerebel August 8 2009, 05:19:24 UTC
Incarnations of Immortality I've read, same with Wheel of Time though it was a while ago and I don't remember much. Seventh Tower I remember as being interesting, I might have to check that out again. Tamora Pierce was already on my list, as was Abhorsen - I own the first book of that - but the rest of these are quite useful.



lassarina August 7 2009, 03:08:50 UTC
I can't remember the author's name, but the book is called Wit'ch Fire. James something. Very weird and cool.

Am drawing a blank on other things but will come back when my brain works better.


cerebel August 8 2009, 05:19:32 UTC
I'll have to see if I can find that.


forsquilis August 8 2009, 03:00:13 UTC
This probably isn't what you're looking for, but have you ever heard of Randall Garrett's Lord Darcy stories? They're set in an alternate universe where the laws of physics are unknown, but the Laws of Magic are codified and performed by licensed magicians. The internal combustion engine doesn't exist, but weather prognosticators give a perfect forecast 100% of the time. One of the main characters is the Chief Forensic Sorcerer for the Duchy of Normandy, helping Lord Darcy investigate murders and crimes. I enjoy the books because they're really detective stories that get classified as science fiction stories, but the magic is fundamental to the story but presented in a practical way.


cerebel August 8 2009, 05:19:59 UTC
Hah. That actually sounds really interesting, and might be handy.


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