Comment ficlets!

Jul 25, 2007 21:33

I have tomorrow entirely free, and I'm sick and tired of not writing anything. And hence, because you guys watching the community should have some input on what I write, another round of comment ficlets!

There are many new people to the community since I did my last round of comment ficlets (check out previous comment ficlet posts here), so here are the rules:

1) You comment with a pretty icon (and possibly a rating/pairing/prompt). Keep it to the fandoms with which I am familiar - for a guide to that, check out the interests on my personal LJ, or the tags on this community.
2) I write a short ficlet based on said icon.

I know I have a few non-lj-users who watch here, so if you want to comment anonymously with a prompt (and without an icon) you're welcome to.


I'm not sure the kind of response I'll get from this - usually there are quite a few comments, and I have a lot of fun, even if some of the ficlets aren't the best thing ever - but if I get a lot of prompts, I just can't get to them all. So, here's the deal: I'll write for sure the first 10 prompts I get. The first fifteen, probably. Beyond that? ...well, you can take your chances. If it pops out at me, I might give it a try :)

So, comment away!

ficlet, crossover, rome: brutus/antony, jeremiah, heroes, gen, rome, firefly: river/kaylee, comment ficlets, heroes: mohinder/sylar, battlestar galactica, firefly, crossover: m/m, rome: antony/cicero

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