How to Participate:
Pick a prompt, any prompt, from the list below - then write a ficlet answering said prompt. Post it in the comments to this post, and then bask in praise ^_^
Posting Rules:
1) Post every entry in a comment to this post. The header should look like this:
Title, fandom, pairing, prompt words, rating
Ex: Aurora, Crossover: Battlestar Galactica/The Golden Compass, Asriel/Gaeta, hunter, snow, NC-17
Ex2: Seasons, Heroes, Mohinder/Sylar, a chance on a bright morning, PG-13
The maximum character count of a comment header on LiveJournal is 100 letters. If yours exceeds that, for whatever reason, you can post the rest of the header inside the comment.
2) Warnings are your friends. Warn for any possibly squicky, violent, or non-consensual content in the beginning of your entry. If you don't want to spare the space to warn, then link to an outside post containing your ficlet. Any ficlets containing un-warned extreme content will be screened.
3) Be sure to leave feedback for the authors. Let them know if you like what they've posted!
Q: How long do we have to participate?
A: Two weeks - that's until midnight between January 4th and 5th, Central Standard Time.
Q: I'm not in the community. Can I participate?
A: Absolutely. Feel free :)
Q: Can I do more than one prompt in a ficlet?
A: Sure. Minimum is one; but if you can fit a bunch in there, you're free to try.
Q: What's the minimum/maximum length for an entry?
A: Minimum is 100 words. Maximum is the length of a LiveJournal comment - 4300 characters. If your entry exceeds that, post a cut-down version; you can link, at the bottom, to the full version posted elsewhere.
Q: Can I pimp this out?
A: Definitely. If you crosspost ficlets, to a community or fic journal, be sure to leave a link in the Author's Note to the porn battle post.
Q: I have more questions!
A: Direct them to the previous post
And, now to the good stuff.
You may take as many prompt words as you want when responding to a prompt. However, you must take at least one.
Any prompt written as a "/" is a pairing, and should contain at least mild romantic hints; any prompt written with an "&" is not intended to be romantic or sexual.
Angel, Angel/Faith, deserving
Angel, Angel/Spike, history
Angel, Faith/Connor, genetic
Angel, Faith/Gunn, moves
Angel, Wesley/Connor, transference, feral
Angel, Wesley/Faith, scribe, returning the favor, stubble burns
Angel, Wesley/Faith/Gunn, taking names, bar games
Angel, Wesley/Faith/Lilah, no prisoners, without limits
Angel, Wesley/Fred, hero
Angel, Wesley/Illyria, kissed by ghosts, something new
Battlestar Galactica, Anders/Caprica Six, success, projection
Battlestar Galactica, Athena/Gaeta, watching
Battlestar Galactica, Baltar/D'anna/Caprica-Six, safe
Battlestar Galactica, Baltar/Tory, never say never, liars, arrogance
Battlestar Galactica, Cain/Gina, who am I?, revolution, deny, tensile, desert
Battlestar Galactica, Cain/Gina/Kendra, whole, battle, trapped
Battlestar Galactica, Cain/Kendra, uniform, accept, time, wind, snake
Battlestar Galactica, Cain/Starbuck, clash, freedom, steps, night, fire
Battlestar Galactica, Caprica-Six/Gaeta, first impressions
Battlestar Galactica, Caprica-Six/Tigh, loyalty, cylon
Battlestar Galactica, Dee/Starbuck, chaos
Battlestar Galactica, Gaeta/Baltar, whisper, fine, terrible, fortune, seek, win, bind, serenity, breakthrough, why?, idol worship
Battlestar Galactica, Gaeta/Boomer, worried
Battlestar Galactica, Gaeta/D'anna, poor little lost boy
Battlestar Galactica, Gaeta/Helo, battle
Battlestar Galactica, Gaeta/Simon, injury
Battlestar Galactica, Gaeta/Tigh, finesse, duty, blink
Battlestar Galactica, Gina/Kendra, wounded, trickster, sly, smiles, trust, betrayal
Battlestar Galactica, Helo/Racetrack, broken, drifting
Battlestar Galactica, Kat/Starbuck, all about you
Battlestar Galactica, Kendra/Starbuck, oblique, rough-and-tumble, sweet, falter, stainless steel
Battlestar Galactica, Lee/Kendra, control
Battlestar Galactica, Starbuck/Leoben, semper fidelis, free fall, space travel
Battlestar Galactica, Starbuck/Six, shimmering
Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Buffy/Angel, second time
Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Buffy/Faith, a most intimate knife, been here before, bloody lip
Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Dawn/Xander, seduction, pegging, something real
Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Giles/Ethan, sweet folly
Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Spike, St. Crispin's Day
Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Spike/Angel, any
Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Spike/Buffy, wind beneath my wings
Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Spike/Drusilla, blood, Spain
Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Willow, golem
Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Wesley/Cordelia, awkward
Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Wesley/Faith, test drive
Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Xander, golem
Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Xander/vampire!Jesse, my favorite, siren call, crimson, helpless, joker
Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Xander/vampire!Jesse/Willow, collect them all, promise
Casino Royale, Bond/Villiers, intimidate, lovely, coerced
Firefly, Kaylee/Inara, hair, unforgiven, courting
Firefly, Kaylee/Jayne, gentleman
Firefly, Kaylee/Simon/River, holiday
Firefly, Kaylee/River, games
Firefly, Inara/Saffron, names
Firefly, Mal/Simon, unexpected, needles, Captain, playing doctor, fur, reaver, tell me...
Firefly, Mal/Simon/River, protection
Firefly, Mal/Jayne, angry, chain of command, sweet, Vera, shiny
Firefly, Mal/Zoe/Wash, wind
Firefly, Simon/Jayne, courting, touch, playing nurse, apples, pretty, the hat
Firefly, Simon/River, amnesia
Firefly, Simon/River/Kaylee, package deal
Firefly, Simon/Zoe/Wash, lost
The Golden Compass, Asriel/Fra Pavel, corked, fail, assassin, inadequate, disappointing
The Golden Compass, Asriel/Mrs. Coulter, political discussion, wardrobe, houseboat, adultery, duel, chevauche
The Golden Compass, Asriel/Samoyed hunter(s), "work this out like gentlemen"
The Golden COmpass, Billy/Roger, allies, scared
The Golden Compass, Chevalier Tialys/Lady Salmakia, partners, flasy, well-suited, chivalrous, duel, rampant colors, lighting
The Golden Compass, Farder Coram/Lee Scoresby, awe, cultured, in the wild, travels, froth, scholar
The Golden Compass, Hester & Sophonax (Fader Coram's daemon), luxurious, amusing, mind your own business, cacti
The Golden Compass, Fra Pavel/Magisterial Emissary (played by Derek Jacobi), sleazy, hidden
The Golden Compass, Iorek Byrnison, forge
The Golden Compass, Iorek Byrnison & Stelmaria, snow, craftsmanship, lab
The Golden Compass, Iorek Byrnison/Iofur, gilt, jealousy, cousins, honor
The Golden Compass, Lee Scoresby/Serafina Pekkala, counsel, flying, magic, longbow, tough, weathered
The Golden Compass, Lord Roke/Madame Oxentiel, confidante, grief, carry on, second, steady, balance, spy work, the Rebellion
The Golden Compass, Mary Mallone, creativity
The Golden Compass, Mulefa, rituals
The Golden Compass, Serafina Pekkala/Mrs. Coulter, torture, fingers, poison, freedom
The Golden Compass, Serafina Pekkala/Farder Coram, summer, winter, butterfly, cherish
Heroes, Adam, Nazi
Heroes, Adam/Ando, paying it forward, "Unfortunately for you...", revenge, snuff
Heroes, Adam/Angela, circles
Heroes, Adam/Arthur, sweet, faith, delusions
Heroes, Adam/Bennet, rookie mistake, the big picture
Heroes, Adam/Elle, a butterfly caught in a cage, gazing into the mirror again, nothing hurts like your mouth, a fractured fairy tale, cherry
Heroes, Adam/Elvis Presley, hips, drugs, sequins
Heroes, Adam/Hiro, sword, dilate, losing my religion, sleepwalking, smother, how dare you, four hundred years, revenge, madness, unforgivable, inspiration, drinking game, cruelty, goddamn cherry blossoms, Victorian era, sex in the coffin
Heroes, Adam/Hiro & Sylar, "I can fix them"
Heroes, Adam/Kaito, 70's hair, Kensei
Heroes, Adam/Mohinder, post-virus, Sylar
Heroes, Adam/Mohinder/Sylar, mirror
Heroes, Adam/Napolean, charisma, unique
Heroes, Adam/Nathan, manipulation, resusitate
Heroes, Adam/Peter, only, perspicacity, chafe, cute, puppet, eternal, unearth, future, used, wall, break, unravelled, silence, snare, fatal, rough, sacrifice, anchor, light, please, bite, Paris, the environment, "they're like ants", forever, cult, belief
Heroes, Adam/Peter/Claude, aural pleasure
Heroes, Adam/Peter/Sylar, villains, mine, suffer, power balance, middle ground
Heroes, Adam/Sylar, bait, Mohinder, double blind, commiseration, pact, vengeance, inspiration, heroes, divide and conquer, greed, bicker, backastabbing, mercenary, a mutually beneficial arrangement, technology, past, candy, utensil, sword, Hiro
Heroes, Adam/Victoria, greatness, bioweapons geekery
Heroes, Alejandro/Mohinder/Sylar, jealousy
Heroes, Alejandro/Sylar, secret
Heroes, Angela/Adam, chess, frigid, justice, miscalculation, treachery, to learn from the master, "I lied", worse than death
Heroes, Angela/Kaito, disco, shinto, lessons, drunk
Heroes, Angela/Nathan, Answers, forgiveness, present, coming of age, chosen, banister, "You are not too old for me to spank you, you know."
Heroes, Angela/Nathan/Heidi, family history of madness
Heroes, Angela/Nathan/Peter, reassurance, bequeath, healing, my pretty boys, entreat
Heroes, Arthur/Angela + Nathan and/or Peter, powers vs. toddlers
Heroes, Arthur/Angela, honeymoon, court
Heroes, Bennet/Claude, payback, tasers, shower invasion, the greater good, office party, control, ties, breaking point, haunted, Copy Kingdom, captive, near-death experience, guns, sex on a plane, hazing ritual, first time, regret, sound, Chrshire Cat, pain, invisibility abuse, different choices, experimentation, Company property, freaks and geeks, home, disappearing clothes, stick, "blood, sweat and tears", careless, watching
Heroes, Bennet/Claude/Mohinder, what goes around comes around
Heroes, Bennet/Claude/Nathan, violence, accident, conflict of interest
Heroes, Bennet/Claude/Peter, Five Years Gone, leash, Star Wars, time travel
Heroes, Bennet/Claude/Peter/Mohinder, creative problem solving, strip poker
Heroes, Bennet/Claude/Sandra, flexibility
Heroes, Bennet/Elle, father figure
Heroes, Bennet/Haitian, Copy Kingdom, Ukraine, understanding
Heroes, Bennet/Isaac, so fucking special
Heroes, Bennet/Matt, repressed fantasies
Heroes, Bennet/Mohinder, red
Heroes, Bennet/Mohinder/Sylar, control
Heroes, Bennet/Nathan, sharks and bears, competition, pyjamas, family, army training, stress relief, flying kink, shooting range, uniform, advice, the man behind the curtain, bait and switch, excellent team, an inch below the heart, hair
Heroes, Bennet/Peter, trust, dark!Peter
Heroes, Bennet/Sandra, Prince Charming, forgiveness, Secret Agent Man
Heroes, Bennet/Sylar, long time no see, games, cat and mouse, trading cages
Heroes, Bennet/West, male bonding, falling
Heroes, Bennet/West/Zach, "Because I said so", lessons
Heroes, Bennet/Zach/Nathan, BDSM training
Heroes, Bob/Maury, not exceptionally pretty
Heroes, Bob/Mohinder, duty, blood
Heroes, Bob/Nakamura, the '70s, spiked punch, wigs, Groundhog Day, culture clash, fishing trip
Heroes, Bob/Peter, cell, prisoner
Heroes, Carlos Mendez, gen
Heroes, Chandra/Mohinder, worth or lack of
Heroes, Claire, the anti-zombie
Heroes, Claire/Haitian, windchimes
Heroes, Claire/Jessica, gore
Heroes, Claire/Niki, just want to feel safe in my own skin
Heroes, Claire/West, Petrellicest
Heroes, Claude/Haitian, disappear
Heroes, Derek/Alejandro, mistranslation
Heroes, Derek/Mr. Zern (Claire's S2 science teacher), what am I teaching again?, lunch break, parking lot, bizarre
Heroes, Derek/Sylar, nostalgia, brick, silent
Heroes, DL/Niki, afterlife, phase through
Heroes, Elle/Claire, detente, sparks, insidious, soft, "Like it rough, sweetie?", satin, duality, velvet
Heroes, Elle/Maya, dark, good deed
Heroes, Elle/Mohinder, toys, rescue, tease, shiver, Sylar, flinch, undeserving
Heroes, Elle/Mohinder/Sylar, voyeurism
Heroes, Elle/Monica, imitation, forget
Heroes, Elle/Niki, wicked, regret
Heroes, Elle/Peter, shock therapy
Heroes, Elle/Sylar, shiny new toys, Mohinder
Heroes, Gabriel/Chandra, beautifully broken
Heroes, Gabriel/Sylar, envy, man in the mirror, 'This is the end', the fix, Five Years Gone, hate you, forever, lost, protect, leave me alone, stay, balance cock, remember, fate, tangled, Christmas, sweets, brains, books, future, Dr. Jekyll and Mr Hyde, twisted, twin, broken
Heroes, Haitian/Peter, safe
Heroes, Heidi/Nathan & Monty & Simon & Peter, carols
Heroes, Hiro & dinosaurs, butterfly effect
Heroes, Hiro/Hiro, the unexpected emotional dangers of time travel
Heroes, Hiro/Matt/Bennet, language acquisition
Heroes, Hiro/Yaeko, own grandfather
Heroes, Janice/Simone, left behind
Heroes, Kimiko/Ando, bike
Heroes, Lyle/Elle, kidnapped
Heroes, Lyle/Haitian, forgotten
Heroes, Lyle/West, leash
Heroes, Nathan/Claude, resemblance, Bennet
Heroes, Matt/Candice, time travel, gone and forgotten
Heroes, Matt/Peter, secrets
Heroes, Maury/Angela, no right
Heroes, Maya/Alejandro, jealousy, sickness
Heroes, Micah/Sylar, "I can do that!", Heir apparent, prodigy, "It wasn't supposed to be like this.", on the road, displacement
Heroes, Micah/Simon and/or Monty, cycle, pounce
Heroes, Mohinder/Maya, Did you know him?, burn it to the ground, choking on the truth
Heroes, Mohinder/Nathan, stop, not 5YG, unresolved
Heroes, Mohinder/Niki, dominate, prisoner, language, ensurance trap, the replacements, back in the day
Heroes, Mohinder/Peter, bleeding heart
Heroes, Mohinder/Sylar, not devoid of charms, Chandra, internet, Bennet, No good deed goes unpunished, Bet you wish you hadn't done that..., scarf, forget, forgive, pink, I didn't do it, nobody saw me do it, you can't prove anything, cane, phone, glasses, father, fast food, mirrors, drowning, stolen, Bollywood, feather boa, houseboat, cashews, Taj Mahal, my hero, just forget, Indian summer, alone together, just between us, nature boy, smoky, fingers, sleet, jacket, electricity, villains, secret, we're a Romeo and Juliet with no end, a chance on a bright morning
Heroes, Mohinder/Sylar/Bennet, old friends, between a rock and a hard place
Heroes, Mohinder/Sylar/Gabriel, Candace's power
Heroes, Mohinder/Thompson, dom!Mohinder, entertainment, the art of smirking, hotel room, resurrection, circles
Heroes, Molly & Micah, summer camp, school should be cancelled for the apocalypse
Heroes, Molly/Micah, Google Earth, GPS, orphans, saving the world
Heroes, Monica/Claire, sane, chance
Heroes, Monica/Ricky, ninjas vs. pirates
Heroes, Mr. Muggles/lizard!Mohinder, silly humans, toes
Heroes, Mr. Muggles/Lyle, robot
Heroes, Mr. Muggles/Sandra, owner
Heroes, Mr. Muggles/Sylar, I can kill you with my brain
Heroes, Nathan/Hiro, campaign trail
Heroes, Nathan/Matt, cargo jet, gunpowder, traped, Hell, windburn, fluffy, "Mach WHAT?"
Heroes, Nathan/Sylar, masks
Heroes, Peter, nurse work, lollipop
Heroes, Peter/Caitlin, careful
Heroes, Peter/Claire, genetic sexual attraction
Heroes, Peter/Claude, inevitable, puppy love, reunion, shock, cleanshaven
Heroes, Peter/Gabriel, bully, teach, descent, biblical, damned, youth, changes, "Why can't you fix me?", special, distraction, mouse, soft, cut, mommy issues, trust, that is just not right..., toes, I don't like it, fix you, watches, sins, 'We're the same', contentment, from these ashes
Heroes, Peter/Hiro, monsters, mistranslation
Heroes, Peter/Isaac, inheritance, growing up Company, keep tou
Heroes, Peter/Matt, headache
Heroes, Peter/Matt/Mohinder, healing
Heroes, Peter/Mohinder/Sylar, public, jealous
Heroes, Peter/Nathan, break my heart sometimes, unknown, high, necrophilia, wounds, sacrifice, Montreal, contrast, light, photograph, then the alarm clock rings
Heroes, Peter/Nathan/Adam, culling, necessary, faith, gamble, ambition
Heroes, Peter/Nathan/Adam/Sylar, diplomacy, dynamic, compelemtary, duct tape, weakest link,mortal, accomplish, compromises, faust
Heroes, Peter/Nathan/Heidi, two for the price of one, welcome to the family
Heroes, Peter/Nathan/Sylar, bitch, share, peacekeeping, split, whole, tentative, truce, wildcat, double penetration, Sylar sandwich, Peter sandwich, one-upmanship, stable, household, bonds, beloveds, unexpectedly functional, overwhelming, exaltation, gasp, triangles are the strongest shape
Heroes, Peter/future!Peter, lost
Heroes, Peter/Ricky, punishment, water, part of the family
Heroes, Peter/Peter/Sylar, ability
Heroes, Peter/Sylar, redemption, anything you can do i can do better, revenge, mothers, forbidden, cannibalism, Adam, "Whose side are you on?", nevermore, zombie, protection, deal with the devil, "How far are you willing to fall?", denial, slave. gutter, intoxicating, Godsend, nasty, rock (noun or verb), rock concert, captivity, strain, stab, milk, hope, frozen, squishy, ow!, hurt, cuddle, Gabriel, What the hell do you think you're doing?, It wasn't me, crossdress, tainted love, cockroach, little death, domestic, master, taste of forever, vampire, necrophilia, meet the family, happy ending, PTA, continents, messy divorce, ugly driver's license photo, knives, thunderclouds, unrestrained, Mass, penance, demons, forbidden, granite, in a cemetery
Heroes, Peter/Sylar/Gabriel, found out, killers, tainted, disease, eternity, First Noel, I forgive you, catch as catch can, prisoners, snow, THAT DOES NOT FIT IN THERE!, Do it again!, tickle, blood, this is insane..., warm, tied, watching, remind me again whose idea was this?, chocolate, dominance, cracked, blood fest, peace, double penetration, double trouble, mischevious
Heroes, Peter/Will, betrayal, prevention
Heroes, season 1!Peter/5YG!Sylar, payback
Heroes, Season 1!Peter/5YG!Peter, halcyon, innocence, reminder
Heroes, Season 1!Peter/5YG!Peter/Season 2!Amnesiac!Peter, explanations, correction, circumstances, destiny
Heroes, Season 1!Peter/Season 2!Peter, Nathan, accident,
Heroes, Ricky, iPods
Heroes, Shanti/Jessica, influence
Heroes, Sylar, Catholicism
Heroes, Sylar/Ando, not special
Heroes, Sylar/Hiro, remember, black and white
Heroes, Sylar/Maya, twist
Heroes, the Twelve, New Years Eve party, office orgy, free-for-all
Heroes, Victoria/Angela, elegance
Heroes, Victoria/Anyone, the SuperSekrit Sekrit of Strain 147
Heroes, West/Zach, Claire
Jeremiah, Jeremiah/Markus, sickness, healing, soldier, protector, control, smile
Red Haven, Maurina d'Jorian/Vivale, allegiance, highway, haven
Red Haven, Rayne/Angilo, winter in Chicago, arrangement, halfway
Rome, Antony, for them, soldier, shiver
Rome, Brutus/Antony, honorable men, wish, encounter, hands, acknowledge, chevauche
Rome, Caesar/Antony, slave, devotion, offering, slice, anywhere, plans, toast, blood
Rome, Caesar/Antony/Vorenus, toy, trapped
Rome, Cicero/Antony, power play, doubt, nails, stories, skinning
Rome, Octavian/Antony
Rome, Octavian/Vorenus
Rome, Vorenus, underworld, gang lord
Rome, Vorenus/Pullo, Niobe, brother, white and red, any
Stargate: Atlantis, John/Rodney, home, caught in the act, trapped
Stargate: Atlantis, John/Rodney/Ronon/Teyla, stranded, marriage, family, cling
Stargate: Atlantis, Rodney/Teyla, the best surprise
Stargate SG-1, Jack, geek cred
Star Wars, Jaina/Jag, captain cardboard
Star Wars, Ordo/Fi, drinks
Star Wars, Wedge/Tycho, prisoner of war
Star Wars, Wedge/Wes, yub yub
Star Wars, Zekk/Jag/Kyp, rivalry
Tin Man, Azkadellia & DG, skipping stones, nursery rhymes, mother, magic, encouragement, guide
Tin Man, Azkadellia & the Witch, struggle, surrender, regrets, thoguhts, speaking to the wind, brand, vessel, sympathy, lonely, prisoner, shattered, betrayed, prey
Tin Man, Cain, out of control, hat
Tin Man, Cain/Glitch, restoration, threat, lazy sunshine, endearments, zipper, star, trust, tufts, twist, Jeb, build, home, respect, my hero, "Good morning, sweetheart", opposites attract, broken, sacrifice, owe, hypothermia, therapy, heart, issues of masculinity, optimism, boy scout syndrome, cure, twinkle-toes, dancing lessons, partner, rhythm, oooh, deep well
Tin Man, Cain/Milo, working, photography, Zero's first wife, pressure, "pull the knob out and twist the red thing", compliance
Tin Man, Cain/Mystic Man, mine, oath, key, show business, protective detail
Tin Man, Cain/Zero, bitter, spite, shock, blade, edge, slice, a few days later, comeuppance, "all the times I could have killed you", denial, why Edora had to die, grudging mercy, in the end, can't, trapped, rank, leather, eager, "pick up on the trail", discovery, de Milo's table, deception, smirk, abuse, police brutality, family, iron cage, glass, fall, cynicism, restraint, nine lives
Tin Man, DG/Azkadellia, dark, violated, little sister, forgiveness, bonds, the next voice you hear, dancing, caged, control
Tin Man, DG/Cain, inappropriate, not a crush, grief, moving on, a better world
Tin Man, DG/Glitch, reboot, crush, magic, proposal, blush, fitting in, awkward, keeping warm, sneaking out, scarecrow, there's no place like home
Tin Man, DG/Glitch/Cain, wanderlust, rhythm, safe, loved, guardians, strange customs
Tin Man, DG/Jeb, reconstruction, clash, philosophical differences, tested, gew up too fast, challenge, argument, civil disagreement, expertise, unfamiliar, arrogant, rehabilitation, clay
Tin Man, Glitch (Ambrose)/the Queen, 1208, steward, brocade, portrait, service, steadfast, inventions, delight, watching over the princesses, leaves, ripples, "as if she were my own", reverence, influence, support, harp, fiesty, loyal, advice, worry, shadows, shoulder, concern, care, devotion
Tin Man, Jeb/Zero, revenge
Tin Man, Queen/Ahamo, first impressions, in dreams
Torchwood, Jack/Ianto, that time again, the chase, hide and seek, shiver, cliched, library, footrace, mosh pit, fires
Torchwood, Jack/Ianto/Tosh/Gwen/Owen, sex pollen
Torchwood, Ianto/Tosh, comfort
Vampire: The Masquerade, Caine/Zillah, glorious future
Vampire: The Masquerade, Camarilla/Sabbat, Romeo and Juliet
Vampire: The Masquerade (Dead City Productions), Claire Whitman, soul, wander, embrace, Los Angeles
Vampire: The Masquerade (Dead City Productions), Claire Whitman & Eco Raizolde & Karasu Temari & Matthias Sedlow, binary
Vampire: The Masquerade (Dead City Productions), Miyake Sora & Matthias Sedlow, grass
Vampire: The Masquerade (Dead City Productions), Karasu Temari, whip, murder, entrancement
Vampire: The Masquerade (Dead City Productions), Karasu Temari & Miyake Sora, martial arts, Toreador clan flaw, Japanese pride, disagreement
Vampire: The Masquerade (Dead City Productions), William Lords, visionary
Crossover, Angel/Heroes, Cordelia/Claire, glow, princess
Crossover, Angel/Heroes, Wesley/Mohinder, daddy issues
Crossover, Battlestar Galactica/Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Anya/Gaeta, vengeance
Crossover, Battlestar Galactica/The Golden Compass, Asriel/Gaeta, hunter, snow
Crossover, Battlestar Galactica/The Golden Compass, Gaeta/Serafina Pekkala, stranded, mortal
Crossover, Battlestar Galactica/Casino Royale, Bond/Gaeta, mark, intriguing, fling, Istanbul
Crossover, Brotherhood/Heroes, Angela/Rose Cork, understanding
Crossover, Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Heroes, Adam/Angel, immortal
Crossover, Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Heroes, Adam/Spike/Druscilla, Italy
Crossover, Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Heroes, Bennet/Mayor, glasses
Crossover, Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Heroes, Bob/Mayor, "our little girls"
Crossover, Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Heroes, Buffy/Claire, destructo girl, cheerleaders kick ass
Crossover, Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Heroes, Elle/Faith, slusho
Crossover, Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Heroes, Faith/Sylar, the wrong kind of special
Crossover, Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Heroes, Mohinder & Giles, surrogate
Crossover, Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Heroes, Mohinder/Spike, ignorance
Crossover, Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Heroes, Future!Peter/vamp!Xander, power
Crossover, Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Heroes, Sylar/Spike, two-by-four
Crossover, Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Pushing Daisies, Anya/Olive, hopelessly devoted to you
Crossover, Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Tin Man, Giles & Glitch, advisors
Crossover, Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Tin Man, Zero/Spike, overlords, exasperated, cut
Crossover, Casino Royale/The Golden Compass, Bond/Asriel, razor, shaving cream, beard, recruitment, fascinating, parallel, match, persuasion, Authority, married women
Crossover, Casino Royale/The Golden Compass, Bond/Serafina Pekkala, scars, drowning, sarcasm, echo, unexpected, eerie
Crossover, Casino Royale/The Golden Compass, M/Lee Scoresby, Yank, culture clash, hat, surprise, chivalry, armaments
Crossover, Casino Royale/The Golden Compass, Serafina Pekkala/Villiers, wanderings, sweet, information, widening gyre
Crossover, Casino Royale/Tin Man, Bond/Cain, agent, spy
Crossover, Casino Royale/Tin Man, Glitch/Villiers, information retrieval, quirks, sunsrise, frazzled
Crossover, Heroes/Battlestar Galactica, Mohinder/Baltar, slime, for science, virus, curls, lazy, jargon, shark
Crossover, Heroes/Battlestar Galactica, Mohinder/Baltar/Head!Six, fear
Crossover, Heroes/Battlestar Galactica, Mirror!Niki/Jessica/Baltar/Head!Six, distractions
Crossover, Heroes/Battlestar Galactica, Six/Elle, instinct
Crossover, Heroes/Battlestar Galactica, Peter/Gaeta, essence
Crossover, Heroes/Battlestar Galactica, Peter/Anders, play
Crossover, Heroes/Casino Royale, Bond/Bennet, delicate, vulnerable, manipulation
Crossover, Heroes/The Colbert Report, Nathan/Character!Stephen, Republican, Democrat, bathroom
Crossover, Heroes/Dr. Who, Sylar/9, "Rose, your new pet is well emo..."
Crossover, Heroes/Dr. Who, Sylar/10, Much fun can be had 'Sylaring' Daleks
Crossover, Heroes/The Golden Compass, Asriel/daemon verse!Mohinder, India, imperial
Crossover, Heroes/The Golden Compass, Asriel/Sylar, useful, authority
Crossover, Heroes/The Golden Compass, Mrs. Coulter/Bennet, children, the system, confidential, morally grey, slippery slope
Crossover, Heroes/The Golden Compass, Mrs. Coulter/Adam, perfect, improvement, ends justify the means
Crossover, Heroes/The Golden Compass, Mrs. Coulter/Nathan, Machiavellian
Crossover, Heroes/The Golden Compass, Mrs. Coulter/Sandra, prophecy, pistol, protection, obscurity, fingernails, image, motherhood
Crossover, Heroes/The Golden Compass, Sandra/Lee Scoresby, Texan
Crossover, Heroes/The Golden Compass, Sandra/Mary Mallone, common sense, vibe, extraordinary girls
Crossover, Heroes/House MD, House/S1!Peter, "nice hair"
Crossover, Heroes/House MD, House/Bennet, symptoms
Crossover, Heroes/House MD, Mohinder/Chase, syringe
Crossover, Heroes/House MD, Mohinder/Foreman, selfish
Crossover, Heroes/House MD, Peter/Cameron, impossible
Crossover, Heroes/Veronica Mars, Elle/Veronica, undercover
Crossover, Heroes/Tin Man, Azkadellia & Sylar, group therapy
Crossover, Heroes/Tin Man, Bennet/Cain, drinks and sympathy
Crossover, Heroes/Tin Man, Mohinder/Glitch, brains
Crossover, Heroes/Tin Man, Niki/Azkadellia, remnants and echoes
Crossover, Heroes/Weeds, Zach/Josh, secrets
Crossover, Heroes/X-Files, Dana Scully/Audrey Hanson, basement, Mulder
Crossover, Firefly/The Golden Compass, Asriel/Operative, cause
Crossover, Firefly/The Golden Compass, Inara/Mrs. Coulter, men
Crossover, Firefly/The Golden Compass, Lee Scoresby/Malcolm Reynolds, gunslinging, dust-up, serenity, ship, that dang rabbit
Crossover, Firefly/Tin Man, River & Glitch, engineered malfunctions
Crossover, Pan's Labyrinth/The Golden Compass, Lyra & Ophelia, deep, adventure
Crossover, Rome/Battlestar Galactica, Gaeta/Vorenus, principles, rescue, pure, soldiers
Crossover, Rome/The Golden Compass, Asriel/Antony, standard, the souls of men, rope, war, army
Crossover, Stargate SG-1/The Golden Compass, Asriel/Paul Davis, superviser, organizing, logistics, talented, competence
Crossover, Tin Man/The Golden Compass, Asriel/Cain, heartless, betrayal, wall, motherfucking badass
Crossover, Tin Man/The Golden Compass, Cain/Lee Scoresby, battered, calloused, grind, trace, survivors, weathered, pistol, interruption, tough, ride, belt loops, belt(s), back-up, reliable, scrap, sharpshoot, sheriff, tumbleweed, whittle, tyrants, fed up, critters, holster, back-to-back in a firefight, those crazy amazing little girls with prophecies about them that we have to protect so that they can save the world
Go make some ficlets, guys!