I just looked at your userinfo and saw the rose dripping blood. I was wondering if you had read Kushiel's Dart by Jaqueline Carey, due to that. I was just curious and though I am intrigued and wouldn't mind being added, I have been busy enough that my close friends have been neglected on lj, and so I'm not sure it would really do a whole lot. Hello in any event.
Hello. I am new to LiveJournal and not so hot on etiquette, and this seems like a pretty personal journal that you might not be keen on sharing with a total stranger. Anyway, I have friended you, and you can have a look at my frivolous excuse for a journal and friend me back if you like, although I would warn you that I don't have anything particularly interesting to say. And if you don't like, then that's obviously cool and I'll get my coat... Nice journal layout, anyway. And 'senseless ramblings,' I'm all about those ;-)
Lol ok, I can add you. I read some of your journal and you amused me :) However, I can safely say that 90% of the time my journal is very.. uh... no amusing? Yeah, i use it for people to know what's really in my head.
But if you want to take the plunge, I'll definitely let you aboard.
Hi, I was wondering if I did something to upset you or if you are making your journal private because I am not able to read your journal anymore? Anyway, hope all is well with you!
Woo hoo :) I like lurkers. (Does that make me sound weird?) Anywho, just a warning, I'm not always happy and peachy keen and I am pretty candid. Hope you don't mind...
Comments 67
But if you want to take the plunge, I'll definitely let you aboard.
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