Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm... What was there to do today...
Class... Chipotle... Class... uhhhh... played with the animals... and Now i'm here...
Haven't seen Leslie ALL day... which is weird. I dunno. I really don't have anything to say really... I wish I did.
I'm bored...
and tired
and worried about my Chem Mid Term
and... confused ('bout what... everything)
I don't understand things...
Like people...
and moods...
Why are emotions necessary?
Life would be so much easier without them...
Like the fragments of thoughts? This is how I'm thinking right now...
I really think if all we used was logic then things would be SO much easier.
Of course many people would have to die...
many people don't have logic and would not be able to function, so they must die.
But then the people with logic will take over the world... and then! there will be no hurt "Feelings" because they wouldn't exist.
I like that plan... I think it is a good plan.
I dunno...
I have nothing else of interest to write.
I have too much crap in my head right now...
Like trying to make things right with the roomie...
Cause I screwed things up in the first place... I guess.
I always do that... I've noticed it at least.
This is all part of my downward spiral to failure...
The good thing is!! I've noticed it and now I can control it.
I hope I can at least.
I'm workin on it all, I swear!
Just need to make it past Mid terms... haha! and Med terms... I think Chem is the one that's going to kill me. *Shrugs* We'll see I suppose.
Buuuuuuuuuuuuuut yeah... that was a nice unburdening of thought. Now, I'll end up coming back, reviewing it... and finding patterns, and that'll help me understand my mind better. Its kind of funny that I have to look for patterns in my own mind to understand me... I wonder if that's a bad thing ;D hehe. yeah... I think I'm going to go now...