Name/Nickname: Mel.
Age: 18.
Birthdate: 7/23/87.
Gender: Female.
Favorite Quote? Why does it have a signifigance to you? "I've died again. Nothing changes. It's too late... Thank you."~Asato Tsuzuki, Yami no Matsuei. It's important to me because a couple of years ago, when I was going through a very hard time, those few words said so much that I couldn't. I know it's not cheery. But. It's what I have.
Likes: Nature, music, weird/abstract/"different" things, alone time, intelligent conversations, learning html, mindfuck things, those realllly close people whom I call my good friends.
Dislikes: Stupid people, bigotry, shallowness, conventionalism, ignorance, plagiarism, my online clock, people who try to be something they're not (also known as fakes), people who are quick to judge but hesitant to look... I could go on and on. ._.
Strong Points: I'm intelligent--not smart, like with academics, but intelligent, like with what's important. I keep looking where others give up. I'm unique and passionate. I'm empathic to those few I'm close to... and some people seem to like my twisted sense of humor? ^^;
Weak Points: I'm very critical and judgemental, I'm too quiet, I'm moody, I'm high strung... *ahem* I'm very paranoid about people and I don't trust easily, even when people have proven themselves trustworthy. I don't know how to express my emotions properly and so I usually mask them with anger. Try as I may to keep my problems to myself, I inevitably angst way too much. I sometimes come off as cold and/or arrogant, but *ahem* as you can kind of tell by my long list of weak points, I'm not extremely confident with myself. ^^;
Hobbies: Drawing, writing, reading manga, RPing, video games (particularly RPG and strategy, but I have a passion for fighting games ^^;).
Talents: Creating.
Pet Peeves: People who always change the subject to themselves. People who tell you to talk more (and then change the subject to themselves). People who give you happy, fluffy, bullshit advice as if it'll actually help. Not being taken seriously. People who don't know when a joke just... isn't... funny anymore. >.<
This or That
Mature or Immature: Mature.
Pessimistic or Optimistic: Pessimistic.
High Energy, Medium Energy or Low Energy: Medium, I guess.
Who do you look up to as a role model?: I... don't know, really. I admire a few of my friends, but I don't really have an all-out role model.
Which character would you want to be? Why?: I think I'm most like Tooya; at first he just seems like another angsty bishie, but he's actually very human and caring underneath it. I see parts of Suzumi and Ceres in myself, as well. Who do I want to be? Anyone who isn't completely off. >.<
Anything Else?: Nope.