doctor who 4x08 silence in the library

May 31, 2008 21:42

- I CRACKED UP laughing in the first scene where Donna and the Doctor were trying to figure out what was causing the lifeform reading and they both thought 'the books!' (same as me) and then reached out to the one and got the wits scared out of them.

- That statue thing? With the 'run, for god's sake, run' thing? Yeah. *shivers*

- The little girl's dad and the statue that Donna spoke to in the room where they met River & Co.? Which I'm calling the Circle Room for simplicity's sake.

Is it just me, or are they the same guy? The statue is kind of looking down at the camera, which makes his eyes look different, and the statue is bald, but the nose and mouth look the same.

- The first half of the episode was pretty damn close to flawless. From the little girl's into, to the Doc & Donna showing up, getting chased by the shadows, getting to see their entrance into the circle room from their pov, and then seeing what the little girl really was -- one of those ball things that reminded me of the S3 finale -- was fantastic. The Doctor appearing on her T.V. was also fantastic. River Song & Co.'s entrance was nicely dramatic.

- They were pimping River Song awfully hard throughout this, which makes me wonder, like everyone else, how good her chances are for getting out of next ep alive. I thought Donna's behavior toward her was a little odd, also -- if TPTB do decide to go the Doctor/Donna route, please don't screw it up with idiotic jealous bs. I'm pretty sure it's possible to me monogamous without being a giant buttmonkey, but what do I know? Anyway, I like River Song despite the bad writing, and I hope she doesn't kick it next ep.

- So, my theory is that everyone the Shadows Whatevers ate were rescued by the library somehow. The little girl (and her dad?) are in some kind of false/dreamworld reality, and that's where Donna is going to be next ep.

doctor who

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