Title: Falling into the Depths
Fandom: Emmerdale
Pairing: Vanessa/Rhona, from Vanessa’s POV
Summary: This is unbeta’d for the moment, but if you’re interested in checking it through, drop me a private message. This story follows the Thursdays 11th July 2013 two episodes - links to the episodes included:
Part 1) & (
Part 2)
“Only, now would not be a good time to start falling in love.”
‘Why did Moira have to say that?’ Vanessa asked herself, sitting in the Woolpack staring at the half pint of beer and plate of chips ahead of her, as she recalled the conversation she’d had with Moira earlier. She needed to pick the other woman’s brains on what to do with her ‘mate’ with the drug addiction, Moira’s experiences with caring for her daughter, Holly, who’d been an addict, had been helpful so far to an extent.
She sighed. What the hell had she gotten herself into? She’d been friends with Rhona for twenty years. They’d shared more than their fare share of pints, ogled the lads in various pubs, shared jokes and laughs. So, when did that slide from teasing Rhona’s husband Paddy and joyous fun nights out, into falling in love with her best friend? She didn’t mean for it to happen and it was so gradual she hadn’t realized it had until Moira pointed it out. In truth, she knew something had changed with her friendship with Rhona since she’d been attempting to manage the other woman’s addiction, but it was getting out of hand. Moira said she didn’t want to see her getting hurt and now Vanessa laughed mirthlessly. It had gone beyond that really. Her heart was already too involved.
She meant what she told Rhona the other day, if the other woman’s stockpiling of medication resulted in her overdosing on the painkillers, it really would kill her to see the other woman die of something that could have been prevented.
At first she told herself that she’d purposely sabotaged her chance of moving into the flat she’d rented from Declan, so that she could move back in with Rhona and Paddy to keep an eye on Rhona’s growing dependence on the medication - something which Paddy was oblivious to occurring. But now, despite the arguments and Rhona’s spiraling out of control, she couldn’t help it; she loved Rhona…was in love with the other woman. But right now, she wanted to strangle her. Lying yet again that the veterinary practice had been robbed to hide the fact that she’d gone through searching for any kind of painkillers they had, and attempting to place blame on their admin secretary, Pearl, for not locking the front door.
Vanessa had had enough for the day dealing with Rhona’s fiery temperament, and yet there was still a half-pint in her glass and chips getting colder by the minute. She was supposed to meet Rhona and Paddy here in the pub after Paddy picked up Leo and brought him to Marlon and Laurel’s place but she didn’t think she could. Pushing herself back in her chair, she stood up and headed up to the bar.
“You’re not staying?” Paddy asked as he came in the door to see her paying for her meal.
“Not now,” Vanessa replied and she was sure that he gave a relieved look as he approached the bar with Rhona next to him. She glanced over at the other woman and noted her twitchy mannerisms. She would have liked to hold her and assure her that everything was going to be okay, but at the moment, that wasn’t happening. “I’ve got to go. Quiet night in, that’s me.”
“What about joining us for tea?” Rhona asked, almost pleading.
From the looks of things, Vanessa determined Rhona was about ready for another dose of medication, but she couldn’t be sure how recently the other woman had taken anything. If she was going to attempt to manage the other woman’s access to medication - since Rhona had been avoiding seeking professional help, she needed to find Rhona’s stashes. Do it for the woman she had fallen for, and for her young, inquisitive two year old son. She knew the other woman would be devastated if Leo had found and accidently taken one of her pills.
“Sorry, I can’t. Not now,” Vanessa told her, gently brushing and holding Rhona’s hand as she passed by. Sorry, she thought. I can’t give you anything more right now.
“See you at home later then,” Rhona said as she nodded exaggeratedly.
Vanessa nodded as she headed out of the pub and back up the road to their house, a flood of thoughts racing around her brain. She’d fallen in love so gradually she hadn’t seen it coming, and now she couldn’t imagine trying to fall out of love, even if she wanted to, and even if it meant she was the one that was going to end up with a broken heart. Falling out of love wasn’t so easy.