Title: The Keg
Prompt: Alcohol
Characters: Marshall
Spoliers: Convergence
Rating: G
Summary: Marshall plots a different kind of attack.
Disclaimer: I do not own anything in the Numb3rs universe.
Word Count: 100
Notes: None
The Keg
“That’s a very interesting hypothesis, Charlie,” Professor Greene praises. The curly haired idiot leans back in his desk chair, smug. “Does anyone else have a differing opinion?” The classroom is silent and the professor looks directly at me. “Marshall?”
We’ve deliberately taken divergent opinions on everything all week; I want a different battlefield. “I agree.” Then I button my lips, so I can’t sneer.
Eppsie goggles. Ha! Let him.
I’ve heard the Princeton grapevine whispers: weekend, no mother, girls, alcohol. I want to wrangle an invitation. I’ll sneak in early, swipe my prize-the keg-and dash out the door.
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