In which some life occurs.arashizJanuary 17 2010, 17:02:17 UTC
3.5 is good. Pathfinder is better.
4E has some serious, serious flaws. serious flaws. I honestly don't think I would play in a 4E campaign unless it was GMed by someone that I know is really, really good (i.e., Jack).
Re: In which some life occurs.cernunnosJanuary 22 2010, 22:11:39 UTC
Can I get an example? Aside from the whole "Bending time and space by moving diagonally as quickly as moving forward" thing, I can't find much that I dislike, but, that makes tactical situations less complex.
Also, at the moment, since my DMing skills are... rusty at best (meaning the last session I actually DMed was in 2nd ed) I'm probably going to be using the pre-made campaigns.
Re: In which some life occurs.needsbalanceJanuary 26 2010, 23:15:35 UTC
ACK! Okay, you remember I was with you on 4E. When I tell you it has almost killed D&D for me, that should say something. The game is like the old Greyhawk campaign; you need to munchkin to be effective, at least moderately so. Now, some things are really great, but really, 4E feels dead to me. Lots of wasted potential. I agree with arashiz though, a good GM can change that. You may be able to, so long as you're willing to keep the game from going transparent.
Also, the premades suck. No really, at least go for the Scales of War path from Dungeon. It's WAY better.
Re: In which some life occurs.cernunnosJanuary 28 2010, 20:16:39 UTC
Damn you for not being online when I read this!
How do you mean "wasted potential"? Keep in mind, I am online about once a week at most currently, so a. big comments won't bother me and b. I can't respond quickly. :P
Comments 7
4E has some serious, serious flaws. serious flaws. I honestly don't think I would play in a 4E campaign unless it was GMed by someone that I know is really, really good (i.e., Jack).
Also, at the moment, since my DMing skills are... rusty at best (meaning the last session I actually DMed was in 2nd ed) I'm probably going to be using the pre-made campaigns.
Also, the premades suck. No really, at least go for the Scales of War path from Dungeon. It's WAY better.
How do you mean "wasted potential"? Keep in mind, I am online about once a week at most currently, so a. big comments won't bother me and b. I can't respond quickly. :P
Going to Renfest next year as a member of the Scarlet Crusade.
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