Fic: Packing Up

Sep 17, 2010 15:29

Title: Packing Up
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Don’t own them.
Pairing: Jim/Bones, Spock/Uhura mentioned, Jim/Uhura hinted at
Warnings: Choose not to warn
Inspiration: Daily Captain/Daily Doc here
Summary: Packing up a life shouldn’t be this hard.
A/N: Thank you to kinderjedi for the read through, and pervyficgirl for the beta as always.

The rain was really coming down. Once he would have been out in it, shouting at his roommate turned best friend turned so much more to come out, and listening too Bones bark at him he’d catch his death of a cold; even if that had been a dis-proven theory for centuries. It always did lead to Bones coming to haul him out of the rain, or sometimes he could coax Bones to make out in the rain.

Jim touched the window, staring into the distance, distracted from the packing he was supposed to be doing. No time for getting soaked now. He was supposed to be packed by tonight, ready to leave. He wasn’t sure this was the right step, but everyone else seemed to think it was time to move from this place, move on to new things.

He turned back to what he was supposed to be doing and smiled a little to find a bottle of Bones’ cologne mixed in with the rest of his stuff. Unstopping it, he held it up to his nose, breathing in the scent of his love. He’d never seen the point of cologne until he smelled Bones the first time he’d worn it. That had done wonders to convince him that cologne was made of awesome. There was just something about the layers of scent it created that matched the layers that made up his Bones. The cologne didn’t hide the essential Bones-ness of him, just added to it, added to the scent of antiseptic, whiskey, and something else. He never could describe it. He wished all of the layers were in the bottle though, especially now.

Putting the cologne carefully in Bones’ box, he stopped, going through it again, while sitting cross-legged on the bed. So many little things that Bones had accumulated, and left his mark on. He wasn’t sure what he was going to do with the box after they were done moving. Probably stow it in his closet or something.

He ran his fingers over the wicked sharp pocket knife. Bones had used the knife to dig out a splinter, and mark their initials on a tree out in Georgia. They’d made love by the stream for hours. By the time Bones was done moving in him, Jim had been limp for hours and after that. the good kind of sore.

“Jim...” Nyota was at the door. “I’m done with the kitchen. Do you need help here?” Her compassionate gaze was the only one he could handle anymore.

“No, I’m good,” he denied instantly, out of habit mostly. She ignored him as usual, and crawled onto the bed, wrapped her arms around him and leaned her chin on his shoulder. He hunched forward, and dug out the keys to the ridiculous sports car they’d bought while they were in Iowa. Racing down the countryside, he’d shown Bones where he’d nearly gone over the cliff. They’d laughed about it then. It had been on their last leave on Earth. He’d never expected to be doing this the next time he was on Earth.

She placed a picture of the two of them in the box. Bones had looked so good in his dress blues at the awards ceremony, so proud. He didn’t cut a bad figure in his own dress uniform, if he did say so. One more thing for the memory box. Bones had gotten awarded for some medical thing, yet another breakthrough for his lover. Predictably Bones hadn’t cared, just made some growling comment of taking him away from his work actually saving people’s lives, and he wasn’t some penguin to start dancing whenever someone snapped their fingers. And then they’d laid in bed that night and Bones had shown him some old movie with dancing penguins. Bones had claimed that Joanna had loved it but he still thought Bones loved it just as much.

“Not too much longer before we can get back to work,” Nyota murmured in his ear. She got it, was the only one who did. He just wanted to be back up in space, away from all the memories. It felt like they were choking him down on Earth, drowning him in their past. The Enterprise wouldn’t be the same without them, but it was better than where they’d discovered their loves.

He brushed his fingers over a folded up map, tracing the roads they’d taken. They’d wanted to drive along every single interstate someday. It was almost a map of their relationship, starting with their first kiss along Route 66. Just a soft brush of lip on lip in Arizona of all places. Only good part about that state was that his allergies had never kicked up a fuss. Bones had joked they should move there ‘cause of that. He’d always countered that argument with the fact that he didn’t have allergies in space either so they should just keep flying forever. Bones had laughed, rolled his eyes and called him a brat. Bones didn’t say no though.

He stood up, and closed the lid on the box. All that was left in the room was his stuff. Bones’ stuff had all been packed into give away boxes, and the boxes going back to Joanna. She’d want the memories someday. He’d kept only a couple of things of Bones. He wanted to make a clean break of it, but he just couldn’t. Nyota got that though, she hadn’t been able to resist keeping Spock’s lyre and his ugly sweater. He wan’t sure what else she’d kept, they didn’t exactly pry into each other’s pasts. It worked, for them. He doubted he’d be able to do this with anyone but Nyota. She just got it, got that he just needed someone, but didn’t want to rush anything. She could go on his arm to Captains Balls, do the partner thing and not get ideas about it. And she didn’t try to get him to talk. He didn’t much care for talking anymore.

“Leonard, torturing yourself with this stalking is doing nothing for your emotional stability.” Spock laid his hand on Bones shoulder. Bones bit back a caustic reply, since Spock was gazing at Nyota like a drowning man’s last gasp of air.

“I just...” Bones trailed off.

“I know. But it is for their own benefit,” Spock reminded him. “We can do them no good staying here and they may locate us. Let us leave this place.” Bones nodded, and looked back one more time to where he was leaving his heart.

fandom: star trek, character: bones mccoy, pairing: kirk/mccoy, pairing: kirk/uhura, character: jim kirk, character: spock, character: nyota uhura, pairing: spock/uhura, fic

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