...with raging passion. But then again, who doesn't? :D Man, time really does fly by so fast and January's going to end soon. For all you know, in a blink of an eye, it'll be April already.
...Like whoa. O___O
Holidays, come quick! I need you! ;o; )
Comments 17
omg ikr? ALLLL my primary mates are hotties. and i'm..... BOO. so, i know how you feeeeel.
pfffttt. i srsly don't know where did i go wrong. must be the hormones. ugghhh.
): That's why im skipping my reunion tomorrow. hahaa. too many pretty ppl. JKJK. No monies (x
well about your scanning questions. CHILL!!! what do u think i have to touch up every scan i made, coz it has TWO LINES, so i hate scanning things with dark background it will be super obvious. erm and about the noise over the b/w scan is normal too, what do u think i didnt value my galac scans XD haha. u can try editing it or stuffs, sometimes i retouch it, sometimes i'll just use the reduce noise filter. or try it with the tutorial here (http://photoshopninja.com/photoshop-top-tips/removing-noise-and-descreening-images/). ^^ hope it helps.
and wild guess, 2nd girl on the right at the last row? XD
you're my saviour. srsly you are. you've helped me LOADS; with the PosLaju thingie, paid account, stitching and now this, THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR EVERYTHING! *huggles* have yet to try out the tut but i definitely will when i can find the time. thanks for the link, snow!!
XDDDD *hands you 5 arashi cookies*
how'd you know? don't tell me it's cuz you saw the word "myself" in the pic? XD
:D! no prob for all these hahahaa i just do whatever i can hehee. believe or not, u didnt change much!! :D and yea its just wild guess hahahahaa. *munching my cookies*
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Ne? Wouldn't you feel awkward, too? I mean, when all of my friends are talking about their social lives, what am I supposed to brag? I don't feel all too comfy exposing my "other side" to my classmates. They might think I'm just a sad girl with no social life. ;o;
akak paham perasaan watch from afar too XD
tu la yg slalu akak buat.nk tegur kang segan, takut xkenal.almaklumla, akak ni xpopular T_T hehe
nk cuti gak!
boring nye keje..
itu la kak, nk tegur salah, x tegur pun rasa serba salah. sarah cuma tegur org yg sarah btol2 kenal je. x brani la nk tegur yg lain; dibuatnye kalo diorang x igt sapa sarah? naya je.
haha, sarah pun kepingin cuti gak nih!
Now that you mention it, time does fly incredibly fast O.o I can’t believe it’s halfway and almost end of January already!!! It’s crazy!!
I’m probably the last person you should ask when it comes to technology. Technology hates me ;O; I do hope you’ll be able to figure out what seems to be the problem though *pat pats*
Facebook is indeed awesome when it comes to finding people you haven’t seen for awhile :D Few months ago, I found a girl who used to babysit whoompah and myself as a child. And we managed to speak for the first time in like 13 years O.o She kept some of our photo too and we had a great laugh looking at some of them. I even managed to dig up this photo of little whoompah in a pink tutu. I let you see it next time if you want just don’t tell her I xD ahahahaha ( ... )
Ne??? I couldn't believe it myself!! I was checking for my assignments' deadlines when I noticed how fast time really flew! I mean, by the week after the next, February will come knocking!
YOU FOUND YOUR BABYSITTER?? HOW AWESOME IS THAT?? :O Facebook is seriously wonderful for that very function. I mean, I tried doing that with MySpace last time but it didn't work. I mean, you know how MySpace allows you to put special characters and symbols in their names? Yeah, people ENJOY doing that; making it hard to search for the ones we're looking for. THANK GOODNESS for FB!! I SWEAR TO SECRECY IF YOU LET ME SEE THOSE PHOTOS. 8DDDD
Mmmm.... the same problem I'm having as well. I try to limit my fangirly posts on FB cuz that would just be awwwwwkward. They might think I have no social life. I do; it's just that I socialize more on the Net as compared to RL. XD
You have a good week as well, dearie. All the best with your job!!
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