Title: One Kiss and That's That (1/1)
Pairing: Dan/Blair
Rating: PG
Summary: Dan and Blair kiss. Here's the immediate aftermath.
Spoilers: Up to 4x17
Word Count: 788
Note: Just a little shorty! I watch this show for Dan and Blair so I genuinely hope that the writers don't fuck it up (I'm sure they will because why would they let any of the
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Comments 14
a fan of merlin AND dair? positively wonderful!
i'm looking forward to the season 5 spec fics... :)
I would give a lot for this to happen (possibly first borns would be involved) when the show returns in April.
I'm really not used to being in this position with a Ship - where it could possibly go either way, keep or throw out... I was a Chair fan, but we all know what happened there, and Dair make me want to watch again - as much as I did in S1.
LOL I'm still trying to find a way to stop watching the Dair parts of this weeks ep...and tumblr don't talk to me about tumblr XD
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