Title: A Year In The Life: Thanksgiving
Fandom/Characters: House/Gregory House and James Wilson
Rating/Warnings: Gen. No warnings
Timeline/Spoilers: Day 1: 11/22/07.
365_prompts: Groceries
Word Count: 300
Notes: Feedback is love. Please take a moment to tell me what you think.
Wilson was up early, and knocking at House's door. He had several grocery bags hanging off his arm, and another in his arms. Knocking was actually more like kicking, at the door. Whatever worked.
"Come on, House," he muttered, and shifted his weight. Finally he head a muffled curse from the other side of the door, and House pulled it open. Cane in hand, he stepped back, without offering to take any of the bags. Just as well, he probably would have tipped Wilson off balance.
Wilson struggled with the bags, fumbling his way to the kitchen. House followed, looking every bit like he wanted to tear into the bags and see what Wilson brought, but he thought doing so would make him un-cool, so he resisted. He grabbed a beer from the fridge, set one next to Wilson, then leaned against the wall, watching as he sipped.
Wilson heaved the bags onto the table, and started unpacking. He set the turkey aside, and drew out a variety of vegetables and bread. He had a cheese ball and crackers, which he put out on a plate. He spread some cheese on a couple crackers, knowing House would help himself.
"I need a pan for the turkey." Wilson looked over to House.
House snagged a cracker, as expected. "And you think I have one?"
"You better have one. You told me you did."
"Did I?" House screwed his mouth to the side. "Whoops."
"When do we eat?"
Wilson shook his head. "We're not eating if I don't have a pan to cook the turkey."
House said nothing, but pointed to the top of the fridge with his cane. Wilson rolled his eyes and grabbed the only remaining cracker with cheese on it, before reaching for the black speckled roasting pan.