So it's been said. So it has always been said, and yet, one has to wonder, really. Though it seems to be the natural impulse to offer one's advice as an elder, whether it is asked for or not (as it is the natural inclination of the elder, no matter their origins, to believe that experience makes them right and unquestionable in all things), what is the elder, really, except a silly young fool with more years to claim to himself. A fool, no matter his age and experience, remains a fool, no? A self-righteous fool will remain as such, and will continue to carry on making the same self-righteous mistakes, believing he does what he needs in the name of what is right. An old fool was once a young fool, and the only thing that's changed is the weight of the years upon his shoulders
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Of course not. I, I am sad to say, am the same fool I was eons ago. The only thing that's changed is that instead of a relatively young fool, I'm no more than an old fool, and more's the shame to me.
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