Series: Finding
Title: Control
Rating: PG-13
Spoilers: Post-BDM
Characters: Jayne/River
Disclaimer: Firefly owns me, I own words
Notes: 100 words that fit in after
Aftermath Part 5.
Firefly100 Org Post All Jayne/River stories are in the same storyline, even if seen out of order...
Organizational Post
Crate shattered as it hit the wall, thrown with enough force to explode the wood slats apart. Guttural roar filled the empty space of the cargo bay. A sobbing gasp, slumping down, head cradled by forearms wrapped around it, knees providing the resting point for elbows. Back pressed against bulkhead, t-shirt stuck to hot skin by sweat. Shaking shoulders, muscles clenched in pain and fear.
A small hand gently strokes short cropped hair, fingers cool against the burning heat. Leaning towards the coolness, breath comes in short gulps, harsh rasping inhales. The desire for violence almost overwhelming. Barely under control.