Title: Turn Rating: PG Spoilers: Post-BDM Word Count: 100 Characters: Simon/Kaylee Disclaimer: Firefly owns me, I own words Notes: As always
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Caution: I'm extremely awake right now, and slightly wired, but I'll try not to let this review get eaten by my inner Saylee fangirlofdoom.
I'm always disappointed by how little attention Simon and Kaylee get, seriously - I think part of it's the "fluffy" quality to them, and the other is that people, for whatever reason, don't write too much smut for them, for whatever reason. But, come on, they're flipping fascinating, look at them!
*points giddily*This is just a simple but direct image of the two of them, very much the essence of what they bring out in each other. On one hand, Kaylee shows her naiveness in the show by her insistence that Simon loosens up, as if that'll fix everything that's wrong, and her frustration, on one hand, is understandable - I love my doctor but, yeah, he likes mustard on his foot, and he eats it too much to be healthy. On the other hand, witnessing River's slaughter of the three goons in WS seems to have shifted her thinking in response to Simon's actions and tightassiness. She still gets frustrated and
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That fluffy quality is exactly what slows us down I think. Most of the Sille I have seen is written by teenagers or those who are still really in touch with their inner teenager and that just does not lend itself to much depth or veracity. Simon is such the purist that it is easy to miss his inner strength and just see the fumbling.
Simon and Kaylee are, seriously, the greatest look into an underestimated romance,
Agreed, but it is sooo hard to get past the superficial.
And then to see this, and get to enjoy this!? Classic Saylee, and I could hear them, and even see the 'ohshit!' face he always makes when he realizes he just ate his foot and the little eyeroll she gives him when she calls him on it. Something similar to their cute little scene at the end of Jaynestown, and, yeah, so flipping simple and direct and sophisticated in ways that I rarely get to read when I'm searching for well-written SayleeAnd then you stroke the Muse's ego with this!!! *Bows humbly* Thank you, thank you, thank you! That was almost exactly what I saw
( ... )
>I'm always disappointed by how little attention Simon and Kaylee get, seriously - I think part of it's the "fluffy" quality to them, and the other is that people, for whatever reason, don't write too much smut for them, for whatever reason. But, come on, they're flipping fascinating, look at them!
Lack of attention? Well, lack of GOOD attention maybe, but there is a LOT of S/K centered fic on fireflyfans.net. But, like everything else, you have to wade through the drek to find the good stuff. And even then, one person's opinion that it's good, won't be anothers :)
The rest of your post was full of excellent points and found myself agreeing with you:)
Ah yes the home of Silee: FFF.net... I am reluctant to wade there as LJ has been such a rich ground to traverse...
As to opinions, we all have them and we try to find those whom we often agree with in order to find stories we like. I have found a lovely core group of writers and readers who have write/recommend pieces that I find compelling and well-written.
Stories that are written well, with truth and honesty in their soul are so much more appealing to me. I hope that makes sense.
I really appreciate ever_obsessed comments as she obviously reads and thinks about what is being presented and then invests herself in them much to my joy.
I'm not really a fan at all of just dialogue with no description of surroundings. I feel the writer cheats by doing it so they don't have to write any descriptive content.
That said, its definitely in character and its easy to pick out who is saying what.
It is hard to place where Simon and Kaylee are because of the lack of description. A simple touch, a glance, a look at the surroundings does wonders to put the reader right where I assume you'd want them to be. Does this fit into a current series you're writing? If so, maybe that's why it seems like a little filler piece that is part of a bigger whole.
You did say you liked/wanted concrit, so I hope you're not too upset because I've given it. :)
Concrit is never frowned on by me, it is a valuable tool that is hard to come by. I understand the critique of dialogue only as I see it done poorly quite often. That said I trend towards over description in the larger arc of my writing, so this is a challenge to myself and hopefully fulfills the criteria of placing us in the thoughts of the characters without the where being as critical.
My hope was that the basic premise of this piece would be clear on its own. I have a series that has owned my heart and soul for over year now, so this was a small breath of Simon and Kaylee for me. The larger story focuses on Jayne and River, so having this piece is interesting for me.
Thank you soooo much for reviewing! I cannot tell you how much it matters.
Comments 30
I'm always disappointed by how little attention Simon and Kaylee get, seriously - I think part of it's the "fluffy" quality to them, and the other is that people, for whatever reason, don't write too much smut for them, for whatever reason. But, come on, they're flipping fascinating, look at them!
*points giddily*This is just a simple but direct image of the two of them, very much the essence of what they bring out in each other. On one hand, Kaylee shows her naiveness in the show by her insistence that Simon loosens up, as if that'll fix everything that's wrong, and her frustration, on one hand, is understandable - I love my doctor but, yeah, he likes mustard on his foot, and he eats it too much to be healthy. On the other hand, witnessing River's slaughter of the three goons in WS seems to have shifted her thinking in response to Simon's actions and tightassiness. She still gets frustrated and ( ... )
Simon and Kaylee are, seriously, the greatest look into an underestimated romance,
Agreed, but it is sooo hard to get past the superficial.
And then to see this, and get to enjoy this!? Classic Saylee, and I could hear them, and even see the 'ohshit!' face he always makes when he realizes he just ate his foot and the little eyeroll she gives him when she calls him on it. Something similar to their cute little scene at the end of Jaynestown, and, yeah, so flipping simple and direct and sophisticated in ways that I rarely get to read when I'm searching for well-written SayleeAnd then you stroke the Muse's ego with this!!! *Bows humbly* Thank you, thank you, thank you! That was almost exactly what I saw ( ... )
Lack of attention? Well, lack of GOOD attention maybe, but there is a LOT of S/K centered fic on fireflyfans.net. But, like everything else, you have to wade through the drek to find the good stuff. And even then, one person's opinion that it's good, won't be anothers :)
The rest of your post was full of excellent points and found myself agreeing with you:)
As to opinions, we all have them and we try to find those whom we often agree with in order to find stories we like. I have found a lovely core group of writers and readers who have write/recommend pieces that I find compelling and well-written.
Stories that are written well, with truth and honesty in their soul are so much more appealing to me. I hope that makes sense.
I really appreciate ever_obsessed comments as she obviously reads and thinks about what is being presented and then invests herself in them much to my joy.
That said, its definitely in character and its easy to pick out who is saying what.
It is hard to place where Simon and Kaylee are because of the lack of description. A simple touch, a glance, a look at the surroundings does wonders to put the reader right where I assume you'd want them to be. Does this fit into a current series you're writing? If so, maybe that's why it seems like a little filler piece that is part of a bigger whole.
You did say you liked/wanted concrit, so I hope you're not too upset because I've given it. :)
I understand the critique of dialogue only as I see it done poorly quite often. That said I trend towards over description in the larger arc of my writing, so this is a challenge to myself and hopefully fulfills the criteria of placing us in the thoughts of the characters without the where being as critical.
My hope was that the basic premise of this piece would be clear on its own. I have a series that has owned my heart and soul for over year now, so this was a small breath of Simon and Kaylee for me. The larger story focuses on Jayne and River, so having this piece is interesting for me.
Thank you soooo much for reviewing! I cannot tell you how much it matters.
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