Trigger warning: discussion of male rape below the cut.
I just want to signal boost GQ's article on
male rape in the military. Factually, statistically, rape is a male problem - more men are raped each year, numerically, than women: lots more, lots lots more, in prison, and we don't care: we make jokes about it on TV. ("Hope you like your new girlfriend har har.") This sickens me beyond measure and every time I teach the facts of male rape to students, they don't believe me. I hadn't known a lot about rape in the military, but considering how prevalent it is in other male institutions (prisons, boarding schools, etc.) of course the military; of course.
While I'm on the subject, let me also link a more fannish piece about male rape that I like a lot: Sophia McDougall's
The Rape of James Bond. We're not crazy, people. There's LYING going on here, there is a skewed version of reality being fed to us, and we're choking on it.
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