SUMMARY: Taking up the note on his journal post, Neuro goes to fill Yako in on things and see how long he can avoid her realizing he's human
PLACE: Yako's Apartment
TIME: Early morning. REALLY early. 3 am early.
WARNINGS: Neuro. ._. Probably less screaming and injury than previous threads!
So play it out, I'm wide awake )
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All the ingredients she planned on using were tossed higgledy-piggledy around the table and counters. With her eyes closed, Yako had thrown them in no particular order and strewn them haphazard even in the pots and the salad bowl. It didn't strike her as odd to be scuttling around and picking up this bag of carrots or that container of ground meat, not at all, not one bit. The time of the day didn't register, but at least she had this distraction.
And the smell had that nagging reminder that he hadn't eaten in a while.
He kept as quiet as possible, sidling into the apartment and sliding the door shut carefully behind him, slinking up trying to avoid line of sight or any sudden movements in peripheral-vision range, trying to get right up behind her without being noticed.
Too late it registered who it was. She didn't really regret it.
"You're up early, Slave." He smiled pointily over the bag of carrots.
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