"This is my study, and I did teach the princess here, usually." He looked over the books fondly, wishing he had them at the center. He looked at the sunlight, "This is about the time our lessons would normally begin, so if I'm not mistaken..." He opened the window and leaned out, as, almost on cue, a dark-hared teenager lowered a rope and began sneaking down the side of the castle. He gestured to Tamaki, grinning, "And that would be princess" He raised his voice for the last part, to alert the girl, "Ishtar."
"Oh really?" He hurried over and peered out the window, "Ah she's pretty." He blinked, "Why is she climbing down like that though?...Ah well if she has lessons I suppose I can hardly blame her." He grinned.
Ishtar nearly slipped, looking around her shoulder and glaring a little, "That's hardly fair." She called back, "I'm just.. getting some fresh air."
"You really find the prospect of my lessons that unappealing?" Yujinn asked, Tamaki, trying to look hurt. "Fresh air?" He called out, "don't worry, I won't tell Sir.Keld, but I honestly don't think Darres will need any hep finding you." He waved.
Comments 198
"So this is where you taught at?" The castle reminded him of some of the ones in France.
He gestured to Tamaki, grinning, "And that would be princess" He raised his voice for the last part, to alert the girl, "Ishtar."
"You really find the prospect of my lessons that unappealing?" Yujinn asked, Tamaki, trying to look hurt.
"Fresh air?" He called out, "don't worry, I won't tell Sir.Keld, but I honestly don't think Darres will need any hep finding you." He waved.
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