Q: Hey! The userinfo doesn't say the next application opening date!
The userinfo will usually be updated with the next application opening date as soon as we announce it. Typically, the openings are every three to four weeks and announced after / just as the last voting batch goes up.
Q: How often do applications open up, and for how long?
Applications open about once a month (every four weeks) for 12 hours. The way it usually goes is this: the window is open for 12 hours, and then, over the weekend (barring any RL commitments for the mods), batches of applications will be posted. There are anywhere from four to eight (even ten, depending on duplicates and whatnot) batches posted. If your application has not been posted yet, it is likely in a later batch.
Q: Do you send out confirmation e-mails?
We will only send you an e-mail after your app has been voted on to inform you if it has been accepted or declined by the voters.
Q: I missed the app opening date because [insert reason here]! Will you still accept my application?
We need to be fair to those who did turn their applications in on time. The date and time is always on the userinfo! Early and late apps will be deleted, no questions asked. Please wait until the next round. If you don't think you'll be able to send in your application during the window, a friend is allowed to send it in for you! Just make sure they give us an e-mail we can contact you at.
Q: When does the voting start?
As early as Friday evening, but no later than Saturday morning (EST). One of the moderators is usually able to post a batch that Friday evening, but that isn't always the case, based on availability and the number of applications received. We are not always able to do an early batch on Friday night. In some cases, we will choose to wait until Saturday morning to begin posting.
Q: Okay, when does voting close?
We try to keep the polls open until the batch hits 50+ votes, but sometimes they stay open a bit longer for a number of reasons, such as time constraints with the moderator who posted the poll, or a lack of voters. Alternatively, if we feel the results are solid after 40-some votes, we reserve the right to close the batch early. We will close a batch after 12 hours if it has not hit the 50 vote mark. Please vote when you can!
Note that in the instance of borderline applications (applications that teeter between 66 and 69%), we will close in favor of the applicant. We will either wait until they hit the 70% mark or dip below 66%. We're not always able to do this due to voter turnout and the aforementioned time constraints, but we will try our best.
Q: So who's allowed to vote?
Only accepted players are allowed to vote. Once you have applied and been accepted, you are allowed to vote at any time. Just request permission to join
campfuckuvote! Audience members cannot vote. Each and every player is allowed one vote, despite how many characters they have.
Q: How many votes do I need to get accepted?
You need 70% in votes to get accepted. No ifs, ands, or buts. If you receive 69% (in theory), you will, unfortunately, be declined.
Q: What happens if another person apped the same character I did?
The two applications will go head to head in a dup(licate) batch. If one application receives over 70% of the vote, it's automatically accepted. However, if there is a clear majority for one app over the other (i.e. app #1 receives 55% while app #2 receives 45% or whatever) that is still under 70% for that app, the application with more votes will go up for a revote as a normal app in a later batch. Alternatively, if more people select the 'neither, both out!' option and that tallies over 30%, then neither application moves on.
If for some reason we goof and post an app early that is later dup'd, we will pull the app once this has been realized and repost both for voting. Tada! If an application goes up in the Friday night batch and you know there is another application on the way for the character, please inform a moderator immediately so we can correct this error and give everyone a fair chance.
Q: What do I do once my character has been accepted?
Wait for the informative confirmation e-mail! The moderator who posted the voting batch you were in will e-mail you asking for four things: your character's name, your character's series, your livejournal username, and your character's livejournal username. E-mail them back with the information, and you are free to begin posting at any time. Your information will be added to the lists.
However, you do not have to wait for the e-mail to begin playing, since it can take us a bit of time to send them out! Once the batch closes, you are free to reveal and play.
Q: What do you mean, format the app?
Format it like a livejournal entry. [br] tags aren't needed, but bold and italics tags are, as well as any image links or fancy font styles, such as sparkles. Please make it so that all we have to do is copy your application and paste it into the voting post. This makes the process much smoother, and we get apps up faster.
Gmail is an equal opportunity devourer of formatting. We suggest you attach your application as a .txt file and copy-paste it into the body of the e-mail to conquer its shenanigans. Worst case scenario, a moderator will contact you (if possible!) and work with you to get it through properly.
We do not accept gdocs or links to livejournal entries for application submissions.
Q: My app is up for vote, and I want to respond to a voter! What can I do?
Post anonymously. We want the voting process to be as fair as possible, and it makes it hard for some voters to have a "face"/person to put to an application. We do not allow applicants to use accounts like
cfud_anon to respond since we'd like for you guys to remain as anonymous as possible and that would make it rather obvious that the applicant was a current player.
Q: Can I vote on my own app?
Nope! First-time appers wouldn't be able to vote on their own apps, so, to keep things fair, current players cannot vote on their own apps. If you accidently vote on your own application, inform the moderators and they will take care of it.
Q: I want to be SUPER SNEAKY so no one knows who I am! Can I ask myself for concrit anonymously if my app's up and I say I abstained?
No. Several players look to threads in the voting posts to get a handle on how applicants will act in the game. Essentially, "giving yourself concrit" is fabricating a thread that could possibly give you an advantage, which isn't entirely fair. Just don't do it. ):
Q: Is it okay to borrow parts from previous apps and use them in my app?
Certainly not! In
campfuckudie, we want to see your creativity at work, not the creativity of others. Obviously, many jokes are not original, but we frown on "borrowing" bits from other applications from other players. Please don't plagiarize. ♥
If it is your own app though, then party on. Editing an application that was voted out and cleaning it up is perfectly acceptable as long as it is your application and not someone else's.
Q: When will counselor apps open? You guys never updated the userinfo about that!
Counselor applications are special. They tend to crop up every three or four months. When the next one opens, there will be an announcement in the community regarding them and the date will be noted in the userinfo.
They are no longer special snowflakes! Counselor applications have been combined with the camper rounds, so you can submit those applications whenever.
Q: I have a question about apps! Where should I send it?
E-mail your questions. Please do not PM/IM the mods with these questions. We'd prefer them via e-mail (cfudmods(@)gmail(.)com!). We'll answer ASAP.
Q: I sent my app in right when the window opened! Why isn't it in the first batch?
If your app is not up in the first batch, it will be up in one of the subsequent batches. As mentioned, there are anywhere from four to ten+ batches. We tend to select apps from all over the inbox, so just because you sent it in at 6 PM EST on the dot does not mean you will go up immediately. Take your time! Voting rounds are generally finished by Sunday evening (State-side).
Q: Is this the last batch?
The last batch is always, always announced. If we don't say it's the last batch, then it isn't. This includes any possible dup batches.
Q: So, if I leave you an anonymous comment on the voting post going on about how my app isn't up yet, will that make it go up faster?
... No. :( And then we will probably just push it back to the last batch because other people waited patiently.
Q: What is the cutoff age for campers?
The camper you're applying for must not be any older than 21, be it age or physical appearance, if you're one of those crazy demon-types. For example: Sesshoumaru is really freaking old, but official sites list his physical age as 19, so he is appable as a camper. Sakuma Ryuuichi, however, is physically 29 and is not. When in doubt, ask!
This is not a big issue anymore due to the combination of the camper and counselor rounds, so go with your gut.
Q: Can I double app with a friend?
Yep! You may want to let us know in the body of your application e-mail that you are double apping - double apps are the one time when we will put up apps together by request. We understand that it's just easier that way!