Sep 19, 2009 16:48
[BACKSTAGE!!1 It looks like a dressing room, except one wall is currently being played by a giant road roller. There's a vanity strewn with a variety of accessories and makeup. In total there are two sets of costumes in this crowded room: the male half is fairly neatly-hung up--there are a few out of place or left behind, but for the most part, it's not so bad! ... The female costumes, however, are kind of strewn all over the place, haphazardly, like someone tried them on and flung them off without really bothering to put them away again. There is a note, with a big MINIONS WOLVES♥!!! written on it. The handwriting is loopy and flourished and the i's are dotted with hearts and stars, alternatingly.
"Hiiiii, everyone! ✩ So your job is to make sure everything is ready for the next day's performances, okay?? I expect efficiency!! Grace!! SPEED!! If not, Rin-chan will punish you in the name of the mo--"
here, the handwriting switches to something a little more neater and blocky
"If you need anything, please ask. We'd like it if you can have your decisions made before the ousting, because otherwise, Rin will forget. Sorry about the mess. --L"]