Round One is now taking sign-ups!
Sign-ups will remain open until the voting for the first challenge is up. Challenge one will go up as soon as we have ten participants, on the following Monday, and no later than March 30th, 2009. EDIT: By the looks of things, we anticipate the first challenge to be posted on Monday, March 23rd.
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here for more details.
You must be on this list in order to participate in the challenges!
peace_of_hopepamparumpumkawaii_chicken Eliminated:
la_fleur_darion - C01/no submission
margerydaw_s2 - C01/no submission
sjlnechnaia - C01/no submission
la_encantar - C01/no submission
coloredpastels - C01/no submission
haruudesu - C01/no submission
pattyferreira - C01/no submission
leriko_rasen - C01/eliminated
deternot - C01/eliminated
yamikakyuu - C01/eliminated
assoil - C02/eliminated
faintscribbles - C03/no submission
gatekeepers_21 - C03/eliminated
lithographic - C03/eliminated
djalina - C04/eliminated
amber_km - C06/eliminated
rumination - C07/eliminated
ryzhaya_tapka - C07/eliminated
deknighted - C08/eliminated
pikatic - C08/eliminated
senbonzakura77 - C09/eliminated
Participants: 4