Aug 11, 2009 02:25

Congratulations to our two finalists for making it this far, and thank you to everyone that participated and made this round possible =) And now onto the final challenge! Finalists, you will be asked to make 3 icons and you'll have 10 days to make them. Good luck!

ICON 1: Provided Image

For this theme, I have provided ONE image from a season one picture drama. You must use this image for your icon.

ICON 2: R1 Stage 24&25 // Lyrical

Using an image from either Stage 24 or Stage 25, make an icon with at least THREE consecutive lyrics from the following song.

Here are galleries for STAGE 24 and STAGE 25.

Downfall by Matchbox 20

Wonder how you sleep
I wonder what you think of me
If I could go back
Would you have ever been with me
I want you to be unused
I want you to remember
I want you to believe in me
I want you on my side

Come on and lay it down
I've always been with you
Here and now
Give all that's within you
Be my savior
And I'll be your downfall

Here we go again
Ashamed of being broken in
We're getting off track
I wanna get you back again
I want you to trouble me
I wanted you turning down
I want you to agree with me
I want so much so bad

Come on and lay it down
I've always been with you
Here and now
Give all that's within you
Be my savior
And I'll be your downfall

Yeah, be my savior
(Only love can save us now)
(Don't lay me down)
(Only love can save us now)
I'll be your downfall
(Ah, love can save us now)
(Don't save me now)

Lay it down
I've always been with you
Hear me now
With all that's within you
Be my savior
And I'll be your downfall

Now I'm back on my own
Hear my feet, they're made of stone
Man, I make you go where I go
Well hell, you, can I take you home
Well, I'm coming home on my back
Kissing me, your lips painted black
Saying Oh
Let me be your downfall
Let me be your downfall, baby

Lyrics taken from HERE

ICON 3: Free Style

For this theme you may make an icon in any style you like using any of the episodes from season one NOT used this round. You may not use caps from the openings or endings.


Please be sure to submit your icons in the same comment. You may feel free to comment with one icon and edit your comment later though (I like getting email ♥).

• Your icon must fit LJ requirements: no larger than 100x100, >40kb, .png, .jpeg, or .gif
• THREE icons per participant. Icons must be made new and specifically for this contest.
• Only official artwork may be used in your icon. code_geass and cg_media are good sources for official art scans and anime screencaps.
• Any questions? Feel free to ask them here!

You must be on the PARTICIPANT LIST in order for your icon to be accepted!

Challenge 09 will close on Friday, August 21 at 8PM PST or before then if both participants submit early. However, voting will close the following Monday either way. Skips may not be used for this challenge.

round two, challenge, r2:c09

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