Fabulous fic. Poor Sam, so much has happened to him, and to have the loss of his girl and his father just flood back all at once like that must have been devastating.
Great prompt - and fantastic use of it. Wonderful conversations between the brothers, while always staying true to their characters and the timeframe. My heart broke for Sam going through all the pain again, and for Dean having to tell him about both their Dad's and Jess's deaths. So much of this wasn't dealt with on screen, I loved reading it here. Great work.
This was wonderful. When I read the prompt, I was expecting some angsty amnesia, but you've actually elevated it above that- made it poignant. Sam has had so much tragedy, and his reactions seemed so true. Thank you.
You combined two of my favorite things- Little Rock, Arkansas (lived near there most of my life) and amnesia Sam! What's not to like! I love how you pulled this story together and set it in S4. I could totally understand Dean not wanting Sam to remember everything - and the pain Sam felt upon remembering. Wow! Awesome story- fitting for Awesome Sammy!
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