so don't you worry your pretty little mind [ 5/5 ]

Aug 21, 2022 23:30

Challenge by 5sentence_ficemis.
prompts / i / ii / iii / iv / v
Completed 25/25 prompts.


"How much longer?" Aaron hissed, trying to keep to the shadows and away from the paroling guards.
"It takes time to override security, even for a place like this," Connor hissed back, rolling his eyes at the absurdity of some people believing that hacking is as fast as the TV shows them. None of them appreciated the time taken to prepare for the hack itself beforehand.
"It's done," Connor said, and immediately an alarm went off at the parking lot calling the guards away, giving plenty of time for the blonde to slip in. Although they were just sneaking in the faculty office to hand in an assignment that was due hours ago, Connor still had to hand it in to himself, he had potential.

- Aaron & Connor


Ryan was one thirsty man. It was hot and sweltering outside that even the idea of the beach was too much. They had finished all the bottled water in their room, but had agreed to not touch the other drinks after considering the cost. Ryan had thought of jumping in the pool that was described as an oasis in the brochures, only to find out it was being closed for cleaning that day. Now, he was at the bar by himself ordering a cold drink and hoping the heat wave would pass soon.

- Ryan

hot water.

"Someone's in trouble," Emily sang, before quickly shutting up under the blonde girl's withering glare.
Aaron had gotten himself into another mess on twitter, and was now being cancelled for the second time this year. It wouldn't have been so bad if it was just him in hot water, but the netizens have somehow decided they were all in it together, since they couldn't 'control his wild behavior'. Aaron, however, acted like he didn't care while Emily seemed gleeful that she wasn't the netizens' target for the time being, but Stephanie was beginning to spot a headache on how to maneuver this mess with their animatic projects being released in the next month.
She's starting to understand why some managers brought pills with them when they work - hopefully, she would never reach that point.

- Aaron, Emily & Stephanie

illusion of control.

Considering the ability to manipulate people's emotions at will, Jinyi is arguably the strongest out of Rachel's set of characters. However, up against someone with the ability to hypnotize, to manipulate people's minds, Rachel can't help but wander how the girl would fare - in the end, it's a battle of who can maintain control the longest. But supposed that Jinyi managed to sneak up on the hypnotist and manipulate them in advance, it would be like giving them the illusion of control over the situation. Even then, Rachel realised, it would still be a difficult situation as Jinyi would have to avoid being hypnotized herself.
Rachel sighed, leaning back in her seat, pondering on how she was going to get Jinyi out of this mess.

- Rachel ft. Jinyi

tag team.

Regardless of how they were paired up, everyone knew that Emily and Aaron were bound to work together in the end. They were able to work fine with their initial partners and teammates but being able to read each other's moves as easily as they do, meant having to use each other as allies during hard times. It was both their strength and their weakness. While they were nearly unbeatable as a tag team, they were also often chosen as targets for other people. Which, honestly, made the game more exciting for them in the end.

- Aaron & Emily

jinyi, stephanie, rachel, part 5, connor, c ; so don't you worry your pretty littl, emily, ryan, aaron & connor, 5sentence-fics, aaron & emily, aaron

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