Thanks so much for the translation and the audio clip. It made it so much easier to listen and read your translation simultaneusly.
Tegomassu sounds so relaxed and natural in this radio show, even Araichi-san gets pulled in along to their pace. She sounds amused by their antics and replies
You're welcome! thanks for commenting =) Actually, after translating,I realised there is already someone else making a general explanation on what was being talked about on the show each episode. I wonder if there is still a need for my translation...
By the way... would you happen to know if someone had translated the making of tegomasu no mahou pv?
I still like your translation best, because I can get a blow-by-blow of all their funny comments and intonation,,it made it so much more fun!
So far, I've not found anyone who've translated the making of tegomasu no mahou or their special interview. Also no communities seem to have sub the videos either. Are you planning to do a translation? I'd definitely read it if you do!
Comments 9
Tegomassu sounds so relaxed and natural in this radio show, even Araichi-san gets pulled in along to their pace. She sounds amused by their antics and replies
By the way... would you happen to know if someone had translated the making of tegomasu no mahou pv?
Apologies for jumping in here! >.
So far, I've not found anyone who've translated the making of tegomasu no mahou or their special interview. Also no communities seem to have sub the videos either. Are you planning to do a translation? I'd definitely read it if you do!
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