Hey everybody! Last time I really enjoyed making a tutorial so I decided to create another one!
Hope you like, and feel free to ask for any problems!
Start with your base. Crop the standard 100x100
I chose
this pic of Rose McGowan. This is my base
Duplicate it with setting: Soft Light 100%
Create a new Adjustment layer >> Selective Color
The settings are the following:
REDS: -100 // 27 // -35 // 28
YELLOWS: 41 // -6 // -2 // 0
CYANS: 100 // 0 // -100 // 100
BLUES: 100 // 0 // -100 // 0
NEUTRALS: 100 // -21 // -64 // -17
Another Selective Color layer:
REDS: -100 // 0 // 100 // 0
YELLOWS: -100 // 0 // -100 // 0
WHITES: -64 // -100 // -100 // 96
Now add this texture
frozenxfears @
iconlove__ Setting the blend mode to Hard Light 100%, you should have this:
(Erase the clouds that cover Rose's face)
Now, step back to the original pic, and re-crop in order to have the whole body of Rose.
In this way:
Put it to the right and set the opacity to 60%. You should have this:
Add text and brushes and you're finished!
Hope you like it!
For the lazy ones, here's the
PSD file =)
Other example, using exactly the same tutorial:
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