Post made by: Bellatrix
Many of us have been complaining about the inactivity of our current Head of House (HoH), Kelley. Now, most of you know that she has been away, but a lot of you have also stated (I being guilty of this as well) that she should have at least posted something in the Slytherin common room about
her absence instead of just walking off. Some of you have indicated that it seems like she has abandoned us, the community, and our Common Room. Well, Dev (lj user="deva_chase") has been trying to get a hold of Kelley and sort this all out. Dev doesn't want us to not have a hoh, but she also doesn't want us to "Overthrow Kelley like the French Revolution." In light of her recent unexplained absence and lack of moderating involvement in our communities, we think that we should consider electing a new HoH. Please post your views in the comments section of this post. (Please do NOT make your own post.)
Kelley is a great HoH when she is active, but we feel that we need to have someone who will keep us up-to-date, and maintain the common room effectively as well. Please comment in this thread with your opinions.