I'd like to welcome Maria, Dan, Jenny, Ender and Chris to the faculty. This is where we can discuss issues pertaining to the students in private and where we can plot BWAHAHAHA hehe not really. no really, this IS where we plan contests and stuff. So if you have a question, or want to pre-post something for feedback, this is what we are here for.
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Comments 5
Can I propose a bit of a compromise? Maybe if we created one other community instead of 5? It might spark the members to want to be involved in all of the classes, becuase it'll be on their friends pages. I also remember Deva mentioning a free forum website a couple of weeks ago that might make it easier... but then it's taking it off of LJ, where we know people participate. Let me know what other ideas y'all have.
I've gone ahead and created an e-mail address for all of my class related issues-- I wanted you guys to know it just in case: chdivination@yahoo.com
I'm terribly excited about all this, yo!
What do you guys think?
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