(no subject)

Aug 04, 2007 14:09

Match 2 - Results
Gryffindor 67 - Hufflepuff 321
Ravenclaw 82 - Slytherin 220


Gryffindor - 0 points
Hufflepuff - 20 - 2 1/2 points for comments = 18 points + 50 for win = 68
Ravenclaw - 0 Points
Slytherin - You didn't do the challenge the way I described. I asked that you pick a character and create a profile for them (background, friends, what they're doing now, etc). All you did was create a story about your character. So I gave you half points since you at least got an entry in. 10 - 4 1/2 points for comments = 6 points + 50 for win = 56


Gryffindor - 0 points
Hufflepuff - 20 + 50 for win = 70
Ravenclaw - 0 points
Slytherin - 0 points


Gryffindor - 0 points
Hufflepuff - 20 - 2 1/2 points for comments = 18 + 50 for win = 68
Ravenclaw - 20 - 4 points for comments = 16
Slytherin - 20 - 4 1/2 points for comments = 16 + 50 for win = 66


First, here are the questions and the right answers (along with my explanation of the question)

1. The-boy-who-still-isn't-dead. Harry Potter - duh.
2. He-who-has-major-daddy-issues. Lord Voldemort - had a bit of a fit when he found out his father was a muggle.
3. His family is all relative. Sirius Black - His mother and father are first cousins.
4. Never under-estimate the power of a muggle. Hermoine Granger - one of the smartest wizards of her age and is a muggle.
5. Butterflies and spiders and canons, oh my! Ron Weasley - wants to follow butterflies instead of spiders, and loves the Canons.
6. Has a furry little problem once a month. Remus Lupin - he's a werewolf.
7. Could use some tylenol for his severe headache. Nearly Headless Nick - Being nearly headless would cause a bit of a headache I would think...
8. Should have been inducted into the pink ladies. Dolores Umbridge - have you SEEN the amounts of pink she wears?
9. Who the hell puts bagpipes into a band? Gideon Crumb - I actually took this from something one of the characters in my RPG said. She's the Weird Sisters new manager and said that quote. But yeah, he's the bagpipe player.
10. Mother was killed during her 6th year of Hogwarts. Hannah Abbott - Self explanitory
11. One of two men that made Neville Longbottom's life a living hell. Either Barty Crouch Jr. or Rodolphus Lestrange - They were part of the torture crew of his parents. The other behind their torture was Bellatrix. I was really looking for Rodolphus, but I also counted Barty if you answered that.
12. Quidditch player who had a bit of a nasty run in with a helicopter. Fabius Watkins - he was killed by a helicopter. Yeah.
13. Discovered gillyweed, but not credited for it. Elladora Ketteridge - Self Explanitory
14. Ate doxy eggs on a dare. Cormac McLaggen - Self Explanitory
15. Got the "special treatment" from Voldemort, while others just get the lackies. Dorcas Meadows - she was personally killed by Voldemort during the first war (Marauders Era).

Here's how everyone scored.

Gryffindor - 20 - 3 wrong answers = 17 + 50 for the match = 67
Hufflepuff - 20 - 4 wrong answers = 16
Ravenclaw - 20 - 4 wrong answers = 16 + 50 for the match = 66
Slytherin - 0 points

Final Points:

Gryffindor - 67
Hufflepuff - 222 + 100 for winning = 322 - 1 point for the halves = 321
Ravenclaw - 82
Slytherin - 121 + 100 for winnings = 221 - 1 point for the halves = 220

I'm hoping to have the next match up by Monday. I have a lot of movies to watch for the Seeker task, so I should hopefully get everything ready by then. Congrats to the winners!
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