Name: Leroux
Age: 20
Location: Vancouver, Canada
Hobbies/Interests: I'm studying Fine Arts, and I'm also a big fan of music, true crime fiction and tv medical dramas.
1. If you were to attend Hogwarts, what would be your favourite classes and why?
I think Potions, as there's a nice physical 'doing something' aspect to it, though I can see myself becoming obsessed with Transfiguration as soon as I found out about animagi.
2. Without bashing any particular house, where do you feel like you least belong? Why? Hufflepuff, because I am incredibly laaaaaaaazy. I will scrape through school with the lowest possible passing grades to avoid doing 'extra' work. I can also be kind of fickle- I'm ambivalent in my friendships and my moral constitution consists of whichever point of view I heard first.
3. Who are your favourite major and minor characters in the series? Why? My favourite major character would have to be Dumbledore, because he has the best lines, and the flashest style. He's got the entire Potter universe wrapped around his finger. Minor character-wise I must choose Petunia Dursley, who is gloriously complex, for all her lack of depth. It's a wonderful contradiction to have such a willfully shallow person have such convoluted and deep-seated motivations.
4. Which character do you most identify with and why? Probably the Weasley Twins, in that they're really quite clever and ambitious, but their talents and goals go unappreciated by the 'sensible' people around them.
5. What makes a person respectable in your eyes? Going for what you want and getting it.
6. If you were an animagus, what would you transfigure into and why? A fox, because they're clever and sassy and can fit in small spaces, and they're also indigenous to basically everywhere, which is conveniently stealthy.
7. You are looking at the Mirror of Erised. What do you see? Myself, successful in... something. Owning a business or fronting a band or selling my art.
8. You are faced with a boggart, what form does it take? A gigantic octopus.
9. Give a quote from the books and explain why you picked it. "You have not asked me, for instance, what is my favorite flavor of jam, to check that I am indeed Professor Dumbledore and not an impostor. For future reference, Harry, it is raspberry... although of course, if I were a Death Eater, I would have been sure to research my own jam preferences before impersonating myself." [HPB] Dumbledore has the best lines ever. He's so damn witty. I would love to be able to put things as well and as kindly as he does (as here he is indeed mocking the Ministry in the gentlest possible way), because his way is totally more effective than anyone else's at getting things done.
10. Speaking of quotes, what do you think of this one? "There is no good and evil in this world, only power and those too weak to seek it." -Quirrellmort. 'Power' is just as false a construct as good and evil; a dude sitting alone in room is just a dude sitting in a room (or, for that matter, lying in a box six feet underground), President of the World or not. That said, I can't stand not being in charge.
11.If you could have a dinner party and invite any 3 other people, dead, alive, or fictional, who would they be and why? Doctor Who, Douglas Adams, and Jesus. Just picture it for a second -- they would either bond immediately and change the world or disagree spectacularly and have the best conversation ever to occur, which would in either case make for a stunning best-selling memoir.
12. Which is thicker, friendship or blood? Well, I'd have to say blood, as friendship is intangible, but for a less facetious answer let's go with friendship -- they're the family you choose, after all.
13. Would you ever use an Unforgivable Curse for any reason? I've actually always had a problem with the fact that Avada Kedavra is an Unforgivable and considered the worst of the lot -- I think taking away someone's free will or torturing them are infinitely worse than instant death, which I would willingly inflict on, say, an ailing friend looking at a long painful death by illness.
14. Would you put your name in the Goblet of Fire for the Tri-Wizard Tournament? Why or why not? At the start of the fourth book, definitely -- by all accounts, safety measures had been taken and the only risk would be losing, versus the rewards of riches and glory to the winner.
15.True or False: Rules are meant to be broken. Explain. If you know the reason for a rule's existence, you can evaluate whether the conditions apply to you. Besides which, if you assume most other people will follow the rules, it gives you a serious leg up in a lot of situations!
16. Anything else you'd like us to take into consideration? Unicorn unicorn unicorn. Also, if this sorting post seems familiar, that's because it is!
17. We often use AIM as a way to get together and chat about HP and the community. If you have an AIM screenname, please let us know here: I do not use AIM.
18. How did you hear about us? If it was through a specific person's recommendation or through a post he/she made, please give the username of that person. I am systematically going through every sorting hat that Google comes up with and compiling my results. It's the scientific way!