Three out of last four nights spent on the couch "napping" excessively after work.
Extended Evening Naps = No Sleep at Night I'm looking forward to some personal time off (Friday... maybe Thursday). I have plenty of personal shit to catch up on, and someone special to spend time with.
I consider myself lucky in a lot of ways for where I am in life. But, it wasn't until recently that I feel I am complete. I can't believe it's already been three months, which perhaps isn't a very long time. In this time, Anthony has not only been my boyfriend, but also my bestfriend. He overlooks my flaws, understands my needs and fills the voids in my life. And I am comfortable around him, inspired by his spirit and miss him like crazy when he's not around. I can honestly say that I'm in love. Those that know me know that my admission to such a thing is rare. But hey... I'm just considering myself luckier then usual. ~Love ya Anthony