Title: Why is he here?
Author: Chadini
Rating: T, for a little bad language.
Pairing: None.
Spoilers: Season 9.
Summary: Lady Heather wonders why Grissom has returned.
Words: 370
AN: Thanks to
jungle_mag for the beta.
I never expected him to be at my door.
I would on occasion, allow myself to indulge in the dream of him coming to my rescue one more time. He has witnessed my most desolate moments and yet he still returns.
He is never completely here, always holding a piece of himself away.
This time was different.
When I opened the door I was taken back by his demeanor, his ghost appearance. He did not have his usual aura of quirky contentment. I was shocked and nervous, wondering what the catalyst was for his visit.
Grissom never just stops by.
He tells me he is here under the pretext of needing my professional opinion on a case. But there is something else.
There always is.
I know I intrigue and captivate him, but it is only a fantasy that the two of us flirt with when we are at low points. I understand him in a way that is much different from that of his colleagues and co-workers.
He is not my mentor.
He is not my supervisor.
He has come to me looking for comfort that I don’t know if I can provide.
I wait for him to explain why he is here, but instead he asks me questions he already knows the answers to. It isn’t until I specifically ask about Sara does he admit that she does not know he is here.
I see the sadness wash across his face and I know that she is gone. That is the only reason that he would be here, he would not risk his relationship with her unless he thought it was already lost.
As I watch him try to get settled in my spare bedroom, I am still not completely sure of what has happened, but I recognize that he needs a sanctuary from the outside world. His life and Sara's are so intertwined, he can’t go anywhere without thinking about her.
His home, his work, his colleagues - they all remind him of Sara. He can’t confide to anyone else in his life because they are all one in the same.
That is why he is here. But now the question becomes where do we go now?