Jul 24, 2012 22:20
BSA National:
Your recent statement has perverted every single thing I believed Scouts were about.
Let's examine BSA National's opinions on gay and/or atheist Scouts in light of the Scout Law.
A Scout is:
Trustworthy: Excluding former Scouts that happen to be gay or atheist obviates trust.
Loyal: Excluding former Scouts that happen to be gay or atheist makes a mockery of loyalty.
Helpful: Exclusion is helpful, how?!
Friendly: BSA National is the opposite of friendly to our gay and atheist Scouts.
Courteous: Announcing their annoyance and lack of brotherhood with gay Scouts is the opposite of courtesy.
Kind: You have to be fucking kidding me.
Obedient: Oh, and here's the rub, BSA National. There's being obedient to your dictates, or being obedient to the actual Scout Law. You lose.
Cheerful: Not applicable.
Thrifty: Not applicable.
Brave: Those Eagles who have returned their medals/badges are brave as hell. Those who retain them to beat the heck out of you from inside, no less so. The only ones not brave here, BSA National, is *you*.
Clean: Not applicable.
Reverent: I interpret this as a respect for religious beliefs, even if they are not my own. Thus, I am reverent when a Buddhist or a Methodist or a Muslim or a Quaker evinces religious belief. That encompasses the possibility of rejection of any belief. Any atheist, who respects the beliefs of someone they deal with (even if they think those beliefs are misguided) is okay in my book.
To sum up: It is my belief that Scouting makes better men than you, BSA National. Better than the organization's stated opinions. Better than your fear and your idiocy.
Chad Underkoffler, Eagle Scout 1987, Troop 1305, ATC