Today, for the first time, I fixed an open source bug! Woohoo! It was a a function in XMonad that was passed incorrect arguments; a tiny bug, but a bug nonetheless.
The code refused to compile! So the bug was not hard to miss. Recently, GHC released a new stable version, and it seems to have broken some deprecated syntax (I'm guessing). Basically, all i did was understand the error message, dug through several modules in the source, and repaired the syntax at the naughty spots.
XMonad/Hooks/UrgencyHook.hs:359:48: The section `5.0 `seconds`' takes one argument, but its type `Int' has none In the `duration' field of a record In the expression: DzenUrgencyHook {duration = (5.0 `seconds`), args = []} In the definition of `dzenUrgencyHook': dzenUrgencyHook = DzenUrgencyHook {duration = (5.0 `seconds`), args = []}
Comments 4
The section `5.0 `seconds`' takes one argument,
but its type `Int' has none
In the `duration' field of a record
In the expression:
DzenUrgencyHook {duration = (5.0 `seconds`), args = []}
In the definition of `dzenUrgencyHook':
dzenUrgencyHook = DzenUrgencyHook
{duration = (5.0 `seconds`), args = []}
You mean that the bug was hard to miss, not 'not hard to miss'. Right?
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