Title: Science Class
Pairing: YunJae
Genre: fluff
Length: more like a drabble
Rating: G
Summary: Where little Yunho decides he'll gonna marry and spend the rest of his life with his little Joongie (i really do suck at summaries, sorry~)
a/n : this is a chibi!Yunjae. sorry for grammar mistakes.
One say at Seoul Private Kindergarten, in a science class, the teacher is discussing about human body parts.
One student by the name of Jung Yunho isn't really paying attention to his teacher but a certain feminine boy with big doe eyes and pouty lips. Yunho kept on staring at his seatmate-slash-bestfriend that he didn't really hear the teacher's question.
"Yunho" the teacher called. Yunho looked around and saw everyone pointing at their left chest. "Can you point where your heart is?"
Yunho grins widely to his teacher that made him look chubbier and cuter. And without hesitation he points his finger to the one sitting beside him. A certain boy named Kim Jaejoong.
Their teacher shakes her head in what she thought was another mischievous act of his not-so-favorite student so she decided to correct his student.
"Yunho, your heart is in here." the teacher put his finger in his left chest. "Jaejoong isn't and doesn't have your heart, understand?"
Yunho frowned looking at his teacher, he tilted his head thinking why Joongie doesn't have his heart. His appa told him that your heart should be with the person you want to spend your life with, so his heart should be with his Joongie now. His teacher is reaaallly ishtupid!
"Noooo! Yunnie is going to marry Joongie someday so Yunnie's heart is with Joongie already." Yunho cheekily smile at his teacher and looks at Jaejoong that made the latter blush.
Their teacher is left speechless and since she can't do anything about it she just let them be and continue her lessons.
And little Yunnie is back staring at his Joongie.
The end~
comments are LOVE~~
a/n(Part2): this was based by another qoute send to me by one of my friends. please do comment and tell me what you think about this cause i'm not so proud of the outcome.
and there is a KyuMin version of this story written by my dear friend
onlykyumin check out her page~
(I'll post the link here naybe later^^,)
here's the link to the kyumin version:
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