Title: Betting on the Shooting Range
Series (Characters): Legend of Galactic Heroes (Lapp, Attenborough)
Wordcount: 291
Rating: PG
Notes: Pre-main series.
The longest line of that exchange was the hardest to write. I would have kicked myself if I hadn't thought of an explanation for the basis of their bet.
Ex-claimer says all's good that you claimed. ^_^ RL got me for the past week and I wasn't free to complete my fic (should have came back to drop my claim but I'm sorry that it slipped my mind till today. :X)
Comments 9
I love the "so what the instructors said...was false" exchange. It's comrade-y, somehow.
The longest line of that exchange was the hardest to write. I would have kicked myself if I hadn't thought of an explanation for the basis of their bet.
But I was inspired by the last sentence. So, claim. :D *scurries off to get started on writing*
I wish you luck. :)
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