OOC - Relationships

May 11, 2008 14:14

Last update: 8/21/10

WTH is this I'm looking at?

Sigmund's canon has an aspect of it called "personal traits," where each character has titles that are unlocked and change over the course of the game. Of course, in the game they are all from the main character's pov and not Sigmund's; but I thought they were fun and would make an interesting way to keep track of his knowledge and feelings about people. I've included his thoughts on himself just for kicks, in case anyone was wondering. And yes, I will be updating these when his opinion changes.

Shield Ratings

Are not a measure of his affection. There is no pointing in measuring Sigmund's affection, almost everyone would be ones and twos. Rather, they are a measurement of how likely he is to take a hit for someone in a fight, the kind of thing that matters in his strange little world.

Hitting them with it might improve his day.


He either thinks they can take it, or he just doesn't care.


Mildly concerned about their welfare.


He might let them take the hit, but he'd feel bad about it.


Human shield.

Thoughts on Self



House #47

Liberation Force

My Worst Enemy

Sword and Shield

Bad Man

The more highly others think of me, the more I find myself lacking.

Sacrificial Lion

I will not be doing that again. Ever.


There are many debts I must repay.

King of Fools

If they still admire me, they must not have seen me run into the wall.


This... will be interesting.

Soup Lover

Soup makes everything better. Even bee larvae.


They. Are. Poisonous.

*ooc, .relationships

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