In about 2 hours, I'm outa here to go make $75. Since I can't get a legal job, I'm excited about makin money by doing stuff I like to do
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Yoong Choe came up with a really cool mathematical formula. I didn't know he could be this witty. I oughta hang w/ him more, maybe go split a drink w/ him or something
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ooooohhhh boy, another relaxed, easy-going day, while my friends and colleagues (juniors and seniors, i mean) spend another day husslin about and going crazy over school/AP/IB... Maybe I'm too laid back. Can't really tell
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Created by naw5689 and taken 26332 times on bzoink! Choose a band/artist and answer only in song TITLES by that band:SLAYER!!!! >=DAre you male or female:NecrophiliacDescribe yourself:Expendable YouthHow do some people
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Yeah it's been a while since I updated... Orch trip and TAKS threw me totally off my regular routine of life. But it's okay. I'm right back into the same ol' madness
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Just thought I'll publicly declare this... on the post earlier today I made comments against Westlake and Jester people. I don't know ppl from Westlake area, but I know quite a bit of people that lives in Jester, and I don't want to offend these people I know. The reference like that is not directed at every people that lives in that kind of
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Came back from doing that stupid quartet recital. That went okay. It was done at an artshop on 6th street (packed w/ bunch of beautiful arts and rich or wealthy Westlake/Jester type of people >.< not my kind of place). There were couple paintings, both of which portrayed a lonely woman, that I particularly got attracted to. Plus there was a pretty
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