It's not all that great, but should give the residents and vistors a good layout of how everything is.
I will update this accordingly as characters come and go.
Master Bedroom: Naminé
Bedroom 2: Ashton Anchors
Bedroom 3: Akira Inugumi
Bedroom 4: Empty
Attic Bedroom: Axel
Basement Bedroom: Empty
Please keep in mind the bedrooms are designed to hold one person a room. If you plan on moving in or out of the house, please be sure to contact me at lovepinkbananas on AIM first.
Characters who live in the house and do not work for Sea-Salt Icecream are expected to pay rent. Characters who work at Sea-Salt and live in the house do not have to pay rent, but are expected to help with the keep up of the house. (Grocaries, chores, etc.)