I hope everyone had as good a weekend as I did, but I doubt it. In parts, rather dramatic. Lots of not thinking before doing. But all up, highly satisfying.
Thursday J and I drove and drove and drove and had the exciting experience of our first flat tyre. Turns out there is a fuckton of rain water in the boot of our car, which rusted the jack. Lifting a car with a rusted jack is NOT EASY. Thank christ for the kind stranger who lent us her jack and the car was back on the road.
Friday I got the satisfaction of being the bearer of good news, which was awesome. And then I packed up the car, loaded up Spotify with the Tame Impala back catalog and hit the road to go camping in the middle of nowhere. Five awesome people, a river, a billion stars, trees, a camp fire, guitars and no phone reception. Friday night was fun. Saturday night was epic. Best roasted marshmallows you've ever tasted (side note: I'm an idiot, I got home and forgot the leftover marshmallows were still in my bag and the dog got to them and scoffed the lot). So many "that's what she said" jokes. Even got to split the firewood. Fuckin LOVE chopping firewood. I felt so badass, even with my puny axe.
It was cool to have no phones and just be present. Sunday was spent in the shade, and then in the river and letting the current wash all my fucks away. No fucks to be found here. I let myself be in the sun, listening to pretty guitar and pretty birds and thinking pretty thoughts.
I even allowed myself to be shirtless chilling in the river alone. The current was really strong and I sat in the river bed and let everything was over me and wash away. I remember the first time I let myself be shirtless out in the open. Was camping alone in a nearby national park, went for a big long bushwalk and wanted to feel the sun and the wind. A little discomfort from free boobing it due to a lack of bra or binder, but the sense of freedom and downright manliness made up for that in spades. Having the breeze hit the sweat on my back. I've worked up the courage maybe twice since, and this was the first time around anyone. Was alone at the river but eventually went back up to the campsite and lay on my front in the sun being in my own skin. Was nice to know my mates didn't give a fuck. And I was not giving a fuck either.
Drove back talking to myself and ranting and raving out loud. Much more satisfying than just in my head. A minor complication of running out of petrol and money came into play, but thanks my main man and some speedy bank transactions, all was good. Came home to J and dog and lots of cuddles and a ridiculous spur of the moment Maccas run which ended up taking 4 hours.
I'm liking what life is throwing at me. A bunch of stuff is happening which I don't quite understand how it's real or possible, but I'm being told it is. I'm the luckiest man alive. Money is a bit shit, but when isn't it? More importantly the people around me continue to be the best.
Working from home all week so I'm chilled as fuck. Don't need to travel into the city until Saturday for more social times, catching up with mates for revelry and mischief. It's good to be me.