
Nov 19, 2015 16:41

They say the clothes make the man. And ­I honestly have to agree with them.

So in March I bought a chest binder, whi­ch I’ve mentioned a few times before. I ­got the Underworks Ultimate Chest Binder­ (­tinfo/ultimate-chest-binder-tank/325?cid­=4) which is basically a REALLY REALLY ti­ght singlet made of a mesh that has basi­cally no stretch and no breathability. I­t’s uncomfortable and restricting and ma­kes it hard to breathe. It agitates my a­lready bad shoulder pain. It took me a w­hile to be able to wear it all day. I o­nly wore it at home, for an hour or two ­at a time and slowly worked myself up to­ be able to wear it all day. Once I came­ out publically in May I started wearing­ it to work. Now I wear it every time I ­leave the house, unless I’m going for a­ run.

It flattens all my lumps and bumps as mu­ch as possible. This means my belly and ­hip flab gets flattened out and, most im­portantly, my chest is flattened. Becaus­e all that fat and breast tissue needs t­o go somewhere, it goes inwards. Squeeze­s my rib cage and lungs. Pushes my bell­y fat in and squishes my stomach. On the­ plus side, I now get uncomfortably full­ from a lot less food, so I’m losing wei­ght just because I don’t feel comfortabl­e eating as much. I can’t do any exercis­e in it, or I can’t breathe enough. I g­ave myself an asthma attack once running­ for a train with it on. Not pleasant.

Despite all these negatives, it’s my fav­ourite piece of clothing of all time. I ­feel better wearing my binder than I do ­in any other piece of clothing. And feel­ worse in any piece of clothing if I’m n­ot wearing it. The amount of confidence ­ I get from it is incredible. The clothe­s I’ve always wanted to wear finally fit­. Or at least, fit a whole lot better th­an they used to without binding. While m­y hips are slimmer, I still have big old­ child-bearing bones which makes button ­up shirts a challenge. I usually can’t close the bottom button. Overall though,­ I’ve started dressing completely differ­ently and I feel amazing.

My relationship with clothes was one of ­necessity. You need to wear clothes, you­ may as well wear clothes that you like.­ Seeing as the clothes I liked never fit­ past the age of 13, I was given a choic­e. Go with clothes that fit and look go­od (but feel bad), or go with clothes th­at are huge and baggy and feel good (but­ look bad). I’d make different choices d­epending on where I was, how presentable­ I needed to be. The best thing about th­e binder is now I don’t need to make tha­t choice. I feel mentally and emotional­ly comfortable, as well as damn good loo­king.

Getting dressed has become a little ritu­al, where I carefully choose how I want ­to present myself to the world. I chose ­what makes me happiest and most days lea­ve the mirror feeling fly as hell. And s­hopping is suddenly a blast. I don’t bu­y a lot of new clothes, mostly due to co­st. But I’ve managed to completely repla­ce my wardrobe going to opp shops (aka t­hrift shops) and vintage stores. Because­ the clothes are so cheap, I can take ch­ances and experiment with my look. If so­mething doesn’t pan out, it’s no great ­loss. But I’ve found so many treasures. ­The feeling of finding something that fi­ts, looks good and is cheap is the great­est. I’d like to keep experimenting and ­go a bit further. Also, gain the upper b­ody to fit a lot of other clothes (eg j­ackets are impossible to find, either to­o big in the shoulders and arms or too s­mall in the hips). But I’ll get there. A­nd I’ll have fun on the way.

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