Today I made a phone call. Trying to be a polite person, as I was raised to be. Following up on an email I had sent to the HR rep for one of the companies that I interviewed with on Monday.
I had heard from her that the address did not work so I wanted to be sure that she had received it as well as hopefully get some answers to questions I was told only she could respond to.
The phone call was brief (I had called yesterday and left a message, with no reply from her) and left me feeling rather irritated, which brings up the point of this particular diatribe I am about to venture into.
We as a country are going down hill pretty quickly. Our economy is suffering, unemployment is swiftly on the rise and if you follow the signs, are most likely headed into the new Great Depression.
If anything, it is times like these where we ALL need to come together and try to save ourselves from oblivion.
I know that sound extreme, but quite frankly, at this point in history, I believe we are well beyond norms.
Common curtsy is anything but. People absorb unnecessary rudeness or apathy because it is so common place it is accepted as acceptable.
What does a simple phone call with an HR rep have to do to lead me into this chain of statements you ask?
This person contacted me from the beginning. Talked me up, kept pushing for investment from me. This person wanted me to come talk to them… hell she even called me on Sunday to see if I was free to talk and answer some questions.
Today I call because I have some questions and I get blown off.
This reminded me of a reality all far too common in our culture. The complete lack of respect that employers show potential employees.
Grist for the mill. We give them use by allowing them to cherry pick and then they chuck the rest away without a second thought.
Now, I understand that not every employee is suited for the position. There is going to be one person that is the best fit possible for the situation. Totally understandable. Comes with multiple people competing for the same position.
You are not as sharp as the next one, you are not chosen. All legit.
This bullshit concept that countless companies follow where they feel abso-fucking-lutly no responsibility to contact the applicants that were not accepted and inform them that they have chosen the best suited person for the position is blatantly disrespectful.
The JOB of the HR (Human Resources) department is SPECIFICALLY interfacing with employees and potential employees. Recruiters are part of the HR department. They get PAID to talk to people, so I do not accept the asinine excuse that “There are many people who have applied, that would take a lot of time.”
Oh really? You are telling me a well worded FORM LETTER that can be send out by simply clicking a mouse button a few times is more than your poor, EMPLOYED, overpaid, lazy asses can handle?
Sure a form letter is a bit more cold than a personal phone call, which is always preferable, but since the main argument is always about numbers, I thought I would nip that crapflower right in the bud.
It is just this whole completely disconnected, apathetic, careless social construct that manifests in some of the most fucked up places.
Yes, there are countless other things that this hydra’s head appears in and they deserve more attention. This is simply pointing out it’s existence here.
We live in a world where money is more important than people.
Well I got news for you America, unless you unfuck yourself and your priorities, we are all going to suffer… ALL OF US… even you, you corporate conglomerate CEO…
See, if the people of this country fall into a economic depression and work becomes scarce, guess where all the CONSUMERS YOU DEPEND ON go?
That’s right… you lemming like rush for the now-buck is going to end up killing you off in the future. You are willing to lay off and fire countless faceless cogs, just so THIS QUARTER’S figures show growth.
Yet in a year or two you are going to go down in flames for lack of consumption due to LACK OF PEOPLE HAVING MONEY TO BUY YOUR CRAP.
Don’t even get me started on the idea of greed. You already have MORE THAN ENOUGH, you SICK FUCKS. There is suffering outside of your 48234234724928347928324792834973 roomed mansions.
And I honestly don’t give a shit about how some will see this as a socialist battle cry. I am not a socialist, I AM A HUMAN BEING. I see other HUMAN BEING’S suffering and starving and dieing because the HAVES give not two shits for the HAVE NOTS.
Fuck your financial system. Fuck your Capitalistic equality. Fuck your “It’s their’s so they have the right to do with it as they please.”
Why is it that they NEVER do the RIGHT THING AND HELP OTHERS IN NEED like they please?
Why? Because the nature of man is greedy, selfish, self centered and disgusting.
This isn’t survival, this is comfort… and like any sense of being, through extremes becomes corrupted beyond the norm.
You grew up knowing nothing but luxury and abundance, that is all you know and that is what is standard. However that is ANYTHING but what is standard.
The HAVES are the greatest minority in this country.
What the fuck do these people know about the real world?