Title: Art Pairing: Lawrence/Adam Warning: Language and non-graphic sexual content DA Link: http://leshit.deviantart.com/#/d33fz0l Word Count: 1370 A/N: The spam will stop after this for a bit. Sorry~ ( Read more... )
I know. I try to comment as well. :C I hate that. I've been awfully lucky in this entry, though. And thank you ;D I appreciate the fact you're not sugarcoating it.
I read all of your L/A ficlets and they basically made my day ♥ I seriously adore your characterization and the way you manage to write this couple without the sweet-sugary-rainbows-for-all factor - and yet you show them being happy, despite the circumstances -- which is really hard, considering just how tragic [and generally fucked up] L/A is. I love both your Adam and your Lawrence, the way you keep them real and OOC free <3 And, just so you know, I'm going to miss the 'spam' greatly ~~
This comment.... * u* It made MY day. I was worried that I wasn't doing that well enough, actually, but I think this was the reassurance that I needed. <3
Well, maybe you wont have to miss it so much after all ;D <3
Comments 10
that's so sweet and cute and hot and cuddly and all kinds of amazing
I try, I try. 8D Your comments always make me happy.
And thank you ;D I appreciate the fact you're not sugarcoating it.
I'm so happy this comm is kind of semi-alive again!
Yeah, it'd be no fun if it were dead. :C
I seriously adore your characterization and the way you manage to write this couple without the sweet-sugary-rainbows-for-all factor - and yet you show them being happy, despite the circumstances -- which is really hard, considering just how tragic [and generally fucked up] L/A is. I love both your Adam and your Lawrence, the way you keep them real and OOC free <3
And, just so you know, I'm going to miss the 'spam' greatly ~~
I was worried that I wasn't doing that well enough, actually, but I think this was the reassurance that I needed. <3
Well, maybe you wont have to miss it so much after all ;D <3
I love how they're aware that they aren't exactly a picture-perfect couple, and that they're kind of an odd pairing, but they make it work anyway.
I also adore how domestic it is, them living together, sleeping together, 'sleeping' together, lol, it's all very, very yay.
( ... )
Best icon in the world <3 I'm using it with credit whenever I upload next. > w<
Thank you very much, that was what I was aiming for. ;D
fkdahs<333 This comment made my day <3
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