You're on my livejournal again for one stinkin day, and this is what I get to read?
Frankie and I broke up after two years. We had to. All we'd ever do was fight and argue, just about the stupidest and most insignificant things. I wont specify what, but they were pretty retarded, on both our parts. Thats where Justin came into the picture. I realize now he was a rebound; a really really really long rebound. All of you were mostly around for that. I don't have to go into detail. Good? Good! Because I sure as fuck don't want to. I could write a fucking book on that kid and it wouldn't be the nicest. Sort of a Howard Stern meets Charles Manson sorta book ... anyways, really really horrible. After I finally broke up with that kid I had to take a vacation to Cuba to get rid of all the stress he caused me. Worst. Relationship. Ever! Anyways who was around can agree on that. Shit I only took him back b/c I'm was piss drunk. I was going to shut up. Shutting up.
Like I said, I could write a fucking book on that kid. All in all, Justin was the worst relationship and boyfriend I EVER had. Ever. If there were good times, he found a way to spoil them. I'm glad hes finally with someone as 'mature' as him, b/c he always said I was way too immature. LOL. Shes cute though, I'll give him that much.
I suppose it hurts me, because I never saw myself as a bad boyfriend, or perhaps I just never wanted to, due to the fact that I was usually depressed enough that I lost someone who meant alot to me, and to know that I was the biggest waste of time in her life, well that's just dandy.
I'm not going to get upset.
I'm surprised, but no i'm not upset.
I'm actually glad I now know this. In a different sense, it makes me feel better that I'm not with her anymore.
But can I ask why you still talk to me? You made it seem like you were my prisoner. If I'm so bad, then why do you still talk to me? Why do you care about what I say or think or do? Bah, I really dont care anymore.
I just kind of fear the unexpected now...
Because I never would've guessed this.
I am removing you from my friends list though. I know it wasn't intentional on your part, but your entries never cease to cause me undesired stress when my mind should be focused on more important things, like school.
Don't take it the wrong way. It's just better off the way it used to be. I'm sure you'll understand.
Oh well. Time to go finish studying for my midterm.
And thank you Catia for trying to help. It was the lone brightspot in this mush, and it shined brightly. <3