Title: Something Telling Part 2/? Pairing: None Summary: In the aftermath of the events of Dark Knight, Anna Ramirez finds herself caught between a rock and a hard place. Notes: Woo, inspiration!
"Only two types of women wear red: whores and Spanish dancers and you, my dear, are no Spanish dancer."
No clue where that quote's from; found it online years ago and loved it. ^.^ Now I have the image of Ramirez in that skirt and heels, and I like it, I do. Thank you.
But to say something intelligent, this was another well-written chapter. Ramirez may have no right to be angry at being used by Batman and Gordon after her betrayal, but it's still perfectly understandable for her to get mad and lash out. I liked the part about her demanding money for her window. ^_^ Funny, yet believable.
We at 100quills are just running through the claims table to check that everyone is planning to complete their claims. If you're still planning to finish that's fine, but please notice that since you haven't posted to the community in three months, your claim might be given to someone else if anyone desires it. If you don't think you're going to finish just say so, and we'll edit the table.
Comments 4
...And I think I love your Ramirez. That last sentence was just--BAM. Wow. Great job, as usual!
No clue where that quote's from; found it online years ago and loved it. ^.^ Now I have the image of Ramirez in that skirt and heels, and I like it, I do. Thank you.
But to say something intelligent, this was another well-written chapter. Ramirez may have no right to be angry at being used by Batman and Gordon after her betrayal, but it's still perfectly understandable for her to get mad and lash out. I liked the part about her demanding money for her window. ^_^ Funny, yet believable.
StalkingFollowing you on ff.net, now.
We at 100quills are just running through the claims table to check that everyone is planning to complete their claims. If you're still planning to finish that's fine, but please notice that since you haven't posted to the community in three months, your claim might be given to someone else if anyone desires it. If you don't think you're going to finish just say so, and we'll edit the table.
Thank you,
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