Finished Eclipse, need to rant x__X

Aug 20, 2007 21:39

So I just finished a new book today.

And since none of my friends have read it yet...I thought I might as well post my thoughts here. Spoiler heavy FYI

So yea...where to start.

I guess that should be with the shitty epilogue. I mean, no offense to anybody who liked it, but personally, what about Bella?

What about her transformation?

I mean, I seriously read the later half of the book expecting it to end with her swearing her mouth off in pain, but a vampire none-the-less. I mean, sure we should all trust Meyer when it comes to the fate of Bella - I'm sure she's fine. I'm sure her and Edward have a lavish wedding, thanks to Alice, where everything is absolutely-positively-perfect. Maybe Jacob will show up, maybe not. But still, afterwards they'd be off for some exotic honey-moon to somewhere cold and dark (Europe, maybe?) and they'd finally do, well, you, and then they would come home and Edward would bite her. And after several decades of much anguish on Bella's behalf, they'd live happily ever after. For eternity. Or until another vampire got to them...

Which, knowing Bella, is highly probable, heck, I hope it happens. Makes for a nice sequel to the epilogue, but I doubt it'll ever be written.

Speaking of their future...I also want to see how Alice and Jasper end up. Does Bella's wedding lead to a double wedding of sorts?

And what about Jacob? Does he find happiness, or is he just a sulky-wolf for the rest of his life?

I actually really feel like writing a fanfic right now. Its just...there are so many holes, it'd be fun to play a bit with the characters. Maybe a one-shot about the wedding, that I feel like I'm capable of. But part of me also wants to explore beyond that, explore their future together. Will they have kids? Heck, can they have kids? If so somebody let me know, I was trying to figure that out earlier to be honest. But yea, who knows? Maybe I'll try writing again soon.

But yay. Victoria's dead. Yay. No more evil people out to kill Bella. Yay. Everybody's happy, or will be happy. Yay. Overall, a great book.

with an overall disappointing epilogue.

book, twilight, eclipse, rant

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