Why My Dad Should Not Be Trusted Re: Cars

Oct 12, 2009 14:49

So a year ago, last December I think, the Tire Pressure Warning light came on in my car. It went on and stayed on until I filled up all the tires, then it went off. Thinking that maybe it was because of the cold temperatures, I shrugged it off and then left the car to my brother when I went to Thailand. Shortly after I came back, the light came on again. I thought, huh, weird, since it was now summer. Nevertheless, I filled the tires up again and it went off. About a month later it came back on, and this time I determined that it was one particular tire that kept deflating. Using my brilliant powers of deduction, I decided that there must be a very slow leak in that tire. I called it to my dad's attention, since he usually takes care of getting the cars inspected, etc. Since the leak was so slow, he figured he'd just bring it up when my car went in for inspection later that summer.

The time span between filling the tire and the light coming back on proceeded to decrease as the summer wore on. Eventually the car went in for inspection, and the people there told my dad that they filled the tire up really full, stuck it under water, and couldn't detect a leak. So when, a couple days later, the light came back on, my dad said it was probably just a faulty sensor. Despite the fact that filling the tire made it go away, and that the pressure really did drop in the tire between fillings. Yeah.

So my mom was still worried, and eventually insisted that my car be taken to a tire specialist. They took one look at the tire and said, oh hey look - there's a nail in it.


So basically the inspection people screwed us over on that. Not my dad's fault, he was just a bit obstinate in trusting the inspections people.

So why shouldn't he be trusted?

Well, simultaneous to this, the Check Engine light in my mom's car came on. My dad insisted that nothing was wrong. Eventually she insisted it be taken in and looked at...apparently they found nothing wrong with it, the light went off...and then came back on. Yet my dad continued to insist that nothing was wrong with her car.

You can guess where this is going, can't you?

So this morning my mom sends me a pix message with the caption, "My car getting towed away." This weekend it completely failed to start, and a whole bunch of black smoke started pouring out the exhaust pipe.

The moral of this story: chemical engineers don't know shit about cars.
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