Heaven is Dead People

Sep 27, 2010 21:14

Title: Heaven is Dead People
Author: chalkyhands
Rating: NC-17
Pairing(s)/Character(s): Buffy/Spike
Disclaimer: The show belongs to Joss and his associates.
Warnings: Dark
Notes: Contains BDSM with dom Spike and sub Buffy
Word Count: 3,490 words
Summary: Buffy embraces her darkness through BDSM sessions with Spike.

The coarse stone bench rubbed against her stomach. Her ass was displayed in the air with her legs suspended in a straddled position. Her arms were bound in front of her, also suspended. Only the bench for balance. The ball gag was slick with her saliva, and her eyes were closed behind the blindfold.

No matter what she did, she always seemed to find her way back here.

Heavy footsteps revealed Spike's approach from behind. The sound of his boots accented the soft buzz of the vibrator that had been stimulating her pussy all day. Her juices dripped onto the floor.

Spike tugged the gag down around her neck. Buffy licked her lips, unconcerned about the spit traveling down her chin.

"You enjoyed your present?" Spike asked.

"Yes, sir."

"You left it in all day?"

"Yes, sir - " Buffy bit her lip. "Except..."


"I had to take it out once when the social worker stopped by. It distracted me."

His footsteps echoed away from her, and Buffy sensed the vacuum his presence left in front of her.

"You disobeyed me."

"I'm sorry, sir."

In her mind, she tracked his movements. He wandered behind her, his presence confirmed as his hand stroked her ass. Buffy shuddered at the touch.

"You know what this means."

"A punishment, sir."

The vibrator continued to hum as Spike walked past her and to his chest of supplies. The lid creaked upon opening, and Spike noisily rifled through it. Buffy knew what he was fetching: a black paddle with circular holes cut into it. She'd been introduced to it a long time ago.

"How many strokes?" he asked. "How many do you think you deserve?"

She hesitated. He'd never asked her to decide on the punishment before. "Ten, sir," she said.

"You'll get twenty."

Buffy tensed, jostling her body in its suspensions. The rough stone bench rubbed her stomach raw.

As always, a calm of anticipation fell over her. With the blindfold in place, Buffy had only her hearing and general slayer senses to rely on. She could detect the general location of Spike. Vampires - particularly this vampire - sent tingles down her spine. What he was doing, though, remained a mystery.

Like lightning cracking through the sky, the whistle of the paddle cleaved the air before colliding with her ass. Buffy yelped. Her body rocked forward on the bench, and her limbs swayed. His stroke had been firm, but it fell short of brutal.

"Count," he ordered.

"One," Buffy immediately replied.

Another whistle. Another wallop. "Two."

"Three." The impact of the paddle rattled the vibrator inside her, mashing it against her clit. Pain mixed with intense jolts of pleasure, causing Buffy to gasp as she counted.

"Four." Her ass felt stripped bare. "Five." The air penetrating her wound after the paddle withdrew was almost as painful as the initial strike. "Six."

"Seven." Buffy gritted her teeth. He'd been increasing the strength of his blows. "Eight." A regular human wouldn't have been able to bear this. "Ah! Nine!"

"Ten!" Buffy began to instinctively attempt to pull away, but the bindings restrained her. In response, Spike put even more muscle into it. "Oomph! Eleven!"

Tears soaked into the blindfold, and her busted up ass throbbed with pain . "Twelve!"


Spike's hand crept up to caress her ass between strokes. His touch lit her skin on fire. "Fourteen!" Sparks erupted from her pussy, her clit. The vibrator quivered within her slick tunnel. "Fifteen!"

"Sixteen!" Her voice came out as a sob now. "Seventeen!" Her body trembled. "Eighteen!" Only two more to go. "Nineteen!" One more blow...

"God, twenty!"

Then nothing.

The absence of the paddle resonated through her body. Every muscle remained tense, still prepared for the next assault. Tightly coiled within the ropes, her body prickled with excitement. She felt so close to cumming.

She nearly jumped when Spike petted her head. She hadn't sensed him moving to her front, distracted as she was by the residual sensation of the paddling.

"That's a good girl," Spike said. "Do you want me?"

"Yes, sir." Her voice sounded weak even to her own ears.

"Tell me about it."

She knew from past experience that he liked to hear her talk dirty. It turned him on. In turn, it turned her on. While she'd been timid to do so at first, now it came easily to her. "I want your big cock in my ass, sir."

In response, his hand drifted back to her bottom.

"You think you deserve it?"

"Only if you think so, sir," she responded with a grin.

He chuckled. "Should get a punishment for that lip." He delivered a soft smack to her abused ass. "But I'm a kind master, pet."

Spike had moved behind her. He spread her ass cheeks, and Buffy felt the thickness of his cock at her entrance. She attempted to relax, though it was difficult. After being paddled, and with the constant buzz of the vibrator shooting sparks around her pussy, she felt like her whole body was ablaze. She just wanted him in her.

He pushed in slowly, though, taking consideration for her battered backside. Buffy groaned once he was seated fully in her ass. His balls rested against the base of the vibrator. Buffy squeezed her sphincter, relishing the harsh intake of breath that Spike released in his own excitement.

Spike wrapped his hands around her throat, using her neck for leverage as he started to thrust into her.

Her G-spot was caught between the pulsing vibe and Spike's invading cock. Buffy cried out loudly, knowing that she was already so close to the edge.

"Better not cum yet, pet," Spike warned with ragged breath. "You wait till I tell you, yeah?" He emphasized his command with a hard stab into her ass.

Buffy gulped. Her body felt as if it were dangling by a delicate string, about to fall. She clasped her bound hands into fists, digging her nails into the palms of her hands. She focused on the tiny pinpricks of pain to avoid thinking about the overwhelming pleasure taking place elsewhere. She knew Spike was serious about wanting her to wait. If she slipped up and came, he'd be very angry.

"Tell me how it feels, Slayer."

Buffy felt like sobbing in frustration. "Feels so good, sir," she said. Her voice was distorted by the rhythmic pumping of Spike's cock. "You inside me..."

"You like having me inside you?"

"Yes, sir. Always."

Spike removed his hands from her neck to grab at her hips. He increased the pace. "What's your gift?"

"You are, sir." It had been a long road, but she'd recently figured it out. Spike was what she'd been given, and she was thankful.

Spike moaned. Buffy could tell by his erratic movement that he was close to cumming.

"You wanna cum, luv?" Spike whispered harshly.

Buffy nodded. The pain in her palms had faded to background noise, and the growing ball of ecstasy at her core was pulsing like a strob light. She could barely hold on.

"You know I'll always take care of you?"

Buffy hesitated. She knew the correct answer - the answer he wanted, but she wasn't sure she could deliver it. Something inside her still wasn't sure.

Spike growled when she failed to answer. "Don't you fucking cum, Slayer."

The pulsing abruptly stopped. Like it had fallen off a cliff, leaving her behind. The opportunity for her to hit that peak had been presented and then taken away. She'd missed it. As the promise of carnal bliss vanished, the vibrator began to irritate her vagina. Spike's dick in her ass began to hurt. An empty ball of ice settled at her center.

Spike came with a harsh grunt. He dug his fingers deep into her hips, hard enough to leave bruises. Buffy remained slack in her restraints, frustration taking over.

"Well then," Spike said as he withdrew. "Back to the beginning, I suppose."

* * * * *

The cool metal of the ring gag chapped Buffy's lips as it propped her mouth open in a perfect circle. The straps of the gag connected to the leather collar around her neck, and thin chains led to clamps on her nipples. Any movement of her head would pull at the clamps, pinching her sensitive nipples.

Sturdy leather cuffs bound her hands behind her back, and a metal thigh-spreader kept her legs apart.

She looked up when Spike presented his erect cock to her.

"You want it?" he asked.

She knew he expected her to nod. He wanted her to feel the sting at her nipples. A part of her wanted it, too, but she hesitated.

He smacked her hard enough to leave a red mark on her cheek.

"I asked you a question."

She nodded without any indecisiveness this time. As she did so, the clamps seized at and squeezed her nipples each time her head returned to its upright position. She winced at the pain.

Spike didn't move forward. "Come get it, then."

She raised her eyebrows. He wanted her to do the work. She'd thought he was going to fuck her face. After all, her hands were bound, her mouth restrained, and she had a pair of fucking pinchers on her tits. But he wanted her to blow him, despite the pain that would ensue.

Buffy had only paused momentarily when Spike slapped her again. This time was harder than the last.

"Do you need a punishment?"

That was all the motivation she needed. Buffy jumped forward on her knees to take his cock in her mouth. The chains tugged her nipples. Her breasts ached.

The gag made a proper blowjob difficult. With her lips impeded by the metal ring, she was left with only her tongue and sheer suction to get him off. Spike, for his part, kept his hands to his sides.

Ignoring the sharp pain at her breasts, she lunged forward to take Spike's cock in all the way to the base. She swirled her tongue around the shaft, then arched it against the bottom as she withdrew her head from his penis. She fluttered her tongue against the tip before enveloping it, once again, into her mouth. With her cheeks sucked in, she bobbed up and down on his cock. Her eyes closed as she focused on her work.

The riding crop she hadn't realized he held smacked against her backside. Buffy froze. The sharpness of the crop's sting echoed into her skin.

"Don't close your eyes. Look up at me," he commanded.

She obeyed. With eyes open, she began her movements again. His eyes met hers with an intensity that would have taken her breath away if her mouth weren't already occupied.

She slowed her actions in order to tease him. She reveled in the feel of his cock slipping between her caged lips, laying heavy on her tongue. The firm, cool flesh filled her mouth. Filled her. She took him in and made him hers.

Watching his reaction, she knew he wasn't unaffected. His eyes glazed over with arousal, and his mouth slacked open. His breath hitched when she flicked her tongue along the underside of his cock.

Buffy barely noticed the pain in her breasts at this point. It had faded to the background of sensation, replaced by the pulsing excitement in her pussy and the wet pressure in her mouth. Taking the opportunity, Buffy moved faster, jerking her head back and forth with slayer-enhanced speed. Spike groaned.

The cock in her mouth grew harder. The flesh pulsed a split second before he came. Liquid filled the back of her throat, and Buffy swallowed obediently. She eagerly devoured him.

Buffy kept his cock in her mouth, waiting out his orgasm. It wasn't until he backed away that she withdrew. The clamps at her nipples loosened as her body stilled.

Spike smiled at her. "Very nice, pet."

* * * * *

Buffy's arms only wavered slightly in the air.

"Like you're on a bloody cross. That's how you looked. Keep it that way, pet."

Spike had ordered her to pose as she'd looked when she'd jumped from the tower. Arms outstretched to the side, one foot forward as if to topple over. He'd placed oranges on each of her down-turned hands.

"If those fall off, things'll not be good for you, understand?"

That had been thirty long minutes ago. Spike was now watching a ghost documentary on his ancient TV. His back was turned to her.

Dawn. Xander. Willow. All the rest. They may as well not exist. Buffy just kept coming back here. All roads led...

Her knees trembled. Even for a slayer, holding a pose for such a long period of time was difficult. When she'd affected this stance before, it had only lasted a few seconds. Long enough to dive into the portal and be done with everything. Now she had to stay that way. Caught in her suicidal self-sacrifice.

The bottom strap of her leather harness had gone lopsided at one point. The edge now cut into one of her labia, partially exposing her vagina. She couldn't adjust, though. Instead, she had to focus on something else. Like how heavy her arms felt.

A commercial for diabetes supplies came on. Spike called out, "Painful to have to be a martyr all the time, yeah?"

She knew he didn't expect an answer so she didn't give one. She fixed her concentration on keeping the oranges from tumbling over her knuckles and onto the floor. She wondered - not for the first time - how long he was going to make her stand like this.

As if on cue, Spike stood up and moved to the other side of the crypt, behind her. Maybe going for another drink?

Her body jumped when strong arms wrapped around her stomach. Spike's lean body asserted itself in the concave curve of her back.

She fumbled in her pose. One of the oranges slipped toward the edge of her fingers.

"Stay still," Spike whispered in her ear.

Buffy credited her enhanced slayer balance with her success in keeping the oranges in place. Spike's hand stroked down her abdomen.

"I'm gonna catch you, luv."

He kissed the skin behind her ear. Buffy's breath shuddered.

"You can jump, but I'll always catch you."

* * * * *

No vibrators. No toys. No help. Just her fingers working at her own pussy. That's what he'd asked for.

Buffy couldn't say she felt self-conscious. Not anymore. Not even while splayed on the floor, offering up a porno view of her cunt while her slick fingers stabbed at her folds. Spike watched her intently from his chair.

She arched her back as the tip of her middle finger grazed her G-spot. Her eyes closed. Spike hadn't allowed her to cum in so long. It was frustrating, but all of that curtailed pleasure and tension kept mounting higher and higher. The fall - when he allowed it - would be paradise.

"Spread your legs more," he commanded.

She complied, letting her legs fall completely flush with the cold floor. In doing so, her body scooted down, angling her hips up towards her lone audience member. Her labia opened further, exposing her throbbing hard clit. Her thumb hungrily covered it.

"You look close to cumming," he said.

Buffy moaned. Her fingers were buried up to the knuckle in her vagina. She was trying to avoid her G-spot again, because she wasn't sure she could control her orgasm if she did. And yet, the feel of her fingers stretching herself, exploring herself, stimulating herself...she craved it. Removing them would leave her empty, and she emphatically did not want that.

"Ask me," Spike said.

"Can I cum, sir?" she managed to gasp out. Her eyes half-open, she watched him with needy hopefulness.

"Forgot a word, there."

She scowled in frustration. "Can I please cum, sir?"

He sat back in his chair. Elbow on armrest, head on hand. A smile teased the corners of his mouth.

Finally, he nodded. "Cum, Buffy."

Almost as soon as the words left his mouth, Buffy put her fingers atop that spongy spot inside her and pressed down hard, rubbing her clit at the same time. Her body seized up, and she came with a loud cry. Like a whirlpool tunneling down her body, she felt the waves of pleasure crashing through her. She jerked, her head banging against the wall behind her. Her legs twitched and her feet pointed almost painfully. She wasn't sure how long the orgasm lasted, lost as she was in the midst of it. However, she came down slowly with lingering pulses of pleasure racing through her. Her muscles began to sag onto the floor, and she panted.

She opened her eyes to see Spike watching her.

He tilted his head. "You look so beautiful."

* * * * *

Spike held her. These were her favorite moments. He'd wrap himself around her body, making her feel safe. So many times she'd found peace in his arms. No wonder she always ended up in the darkness with him.

Exhausted by her seemingly constant exertions, Buffy had almost fallen asleep when she felt him shift behind her. When she reached a hand back, she felt the hard ridges of his demon visage. Automatically, she laid her head on the bed, arching and presenting her neck to him.

Fangs pierced her skin. Buffy gasped. Her hand grabbed at Spike's where it lay on her stomach. She held tight when he began to drink, consuming her blood. Consuming her.

It sent a shock straight down to her pussy, and she was wet in an instant. Spike's hard cock pressed against her ass. His slurping feeding noises were punctuated with low growls and moans. She pressed a hand to the back of his head, urging him on. Spike's hand moved down to begin to stroke her pussy. His fingers ran down the edges of her labia, not going any further. She whimpered in need.

He didn't waste any time teasing her. With great care, Spike held her leg up and slipped his cock inside. Her vagina stretched to envelope him completely, and she sighed.

He moved with languid slowness in his strokes. Each one allowing Buffy to savor the feel of his skin meeting hers, penetrating her. He'd stopped drinking, but his fangs remained inside her. Buffy tingled. Firecrackers going off inside her skin.

It didn't take long for either of them. It never did when he bit her. They reached their height together, and Buffy's orgasm prompted his. Her muscles clenched around him.

He remained inside her after they'd reached their climax. Buffy's eyes were heavy, and her body was sated. Spike's fangs slipped out of her neck.

"You're always with me, Buffy," Spike whispered into her ear.

It was true. Nothing else in her life mattered. Just him. There was no pain. No fear. No doubt.

"Osiris, keeper of the gate, master of all fate, hear us."

Buffy frowned. She opened her eyes.

Spike pulled her closer to him, his grip like an iron vise. Buffy shifted to lift her head. She looked back at Spike. He watched her with a wary expression.

"Did you hear that?" Buffy asked.

"Before time, and after. Before knowing and nothing. Accept our offering. Know our prayer."

Spike's crypt began to dim, though none of the candles had gone out. Buffy felt a hollow form in the pit of her stomach.

This was an intrusion. There were never any intrusions here.

"Osiris! Here lies the warrior of the people. Let her cross over."

Spike grabbed her arm. "Don't," he said. "Buffy, you're finished."

"Don't what?"

"Osiris, let her cross over!"

Buffy turned away from Spike to look around. Willow was calling from somewhere. Upstairs? That made no sense.

Utilizing his vampire speed, Spike snatched her into his arms and held tight. She was cradled under his chin, her arms pinned close to his chest. Buffy didn't resist his embrace. Her body prickled as if it were slowly falling asleep.

"Spike, what's happening?" She flexed her fingers. "I feel strange."

Spike continued to cling to her. His voice was muffled by her hair. "You did it, Buffy. You're done. You're here. Stay here."

Her cheeks became wet with tears she couldn't even feel herself shedding. "Of course I'll stay here. Where else would I go?"

"Osiris, release her!"

A loud snap echoed through the crypt, meeting with and tugging at that hollow part inside of her. Despite Spike's arms wrapped around her, she couldn't resist the pull. Her mind blinked for a second as her body was whisked away.

Spike and the crypt disappeared.

* * * * *

Buffy woke up in her coffin with a gasping breath.

She was alive.

heaven is dead people, fanfic

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